AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Why I`m Dowry Law Victim…?

Why I`m Dowry Law Victim.

All Over world, governments make laws to punish Crimnals,and Law breakers; But in india, its a business to creat job opertunities for lawyers,

Only Law to trap Innocent;
Its a Marriage Splitter;
A Family Breaker,

Thats Ok, but why i`m a Victim….

Beacuse i`m a Man,
Married to an Indian Women.
Beacuse i did not took any dowry;
Because i`m an ordinary man and she was jelous when i was sending only 500 Rs once in 2 months to my parents.
Because i was not doing as she or her parents says.
Because i foundout her past and present.
Because i Questioned her in front of public to justify her move.
Because i asked money to return which they were taking Every month from me.
Because my house was more cleaner and perfect than After marriage.

Once she asked from Bedroom, whats on TV..?
I said DUST, she said i`m insulting her.

6 thoughts on “Why I`m Dowry Law Victim…?

  1. I too suffer from wife and in-laws threatening, who are living presently at Howrah, in a different manner on a regular basis, in order to swindle our hard-earned income and property, by misusing newly formulated laws specially designed only for women. The law makers fully forgetting the constitutions article 14 which says all men and woman are equal before law or say equality before law. This article 14 giving equal strength to man and woman but formulating new law for women so for no law formulated by the law makers for men. Why?

    Which only resulted in iron hand cuffing like a herded criminal and lying in illegal custody. I had been caught by the police on March 2006, and kept for nine days in police lockup and one day in Correctional Home, Howrah and released on bail. She filed false FIRs and filed under section 125 Cr. P.C., 498A, 406 IPC, 34, 354, 379, 506, 323, 341, 504 and section 3 & 4 of Dowry Probation Act etc. against me, my patents, brother and sister from the Court of 7th and 4th Judicial Magistrate at Howrah. Now, no one here to help me from this day to day harassment, lost couple of good jobs, running once in two months from Pudhucherry (formerly Pondicherry) to Howrah.

    The wife and her parents even not intimated him the child birth and somehow when he come to know the child birth he requested to send a snap of the child which was also not heard. For the new born the father send some gift which was also returned by the wife and her parents. Their cruelty reached at Himalayan peak when she lodged a complaint using the weapon of dowry and domestic violence act (DVA) and several other criminal section against husband and in-laws, the in-laws who never interfered her life. The question is if she really met cruelty by the hands of husband and his relatives why she had not opted to file a complaint in the jurisdiction police station which was only in walkable distance. She opted to file complaint in the Howrah police station and filed a divorce and succeeded to get an expartee decree within three months of filing which is very impossible as per marriage law. The husband had not given time to file counter or for a counseling. When husband was attending for maintenance case and came out of the court he was arrested and handcuffed and remained in the custody for eight days and ninth day presented before the judicial magistrate and then kept one day in judicial custody and latter bailed out. The wife atlest shown curtsy by not opposing the anticipatory bail of in-laws.

    The women how she forget the sweetness of togetherness, how she forget the sweet face of her husband which is now also in front of her in the form of child.

    THE MEN WAS CRUSHED IN THE HANDS OF WOMEN. The men who is a M.Sc., M.Phil., earning sufficiently was now staring the sky with no hope for justice. His parents are weeping and sister, brother still in a stage of shock.

    The reward paid by the wife to her husband is the only result of misusing of newly formulated laws. The court at Howrah which have no jurisdiction neither to try the suit for divorce nor for the criminal offence as the couple married at Pudhucherry and last resided place at Bangalore, where both of them were employed and as such alleged offence held in Bangalore. So the decree which is passed by the Howrah Court is improper and the complaint also liable to be quashed. But these all will happen in future.

    Wake and do something for men otherwise similar trouble tomorrow you also have to face. For this not only togetherness of men required but the togetherness of women also required.

    M. Rathina Sabapathy,
    Cell: 09894669932

  2. every law has its merits and demerits,but when a law has more misuse than use it is liable to be struck down,,,,,by making unreasonable classification which is not allowed under article 14 of our constitution state has not only violated fundamental right but also victimized the men folk by giving unguided provisions like 498A IPC

  3. Sir,
    Its been a year and i am suffering silently. Please give a surprise visit at my home and you’ll knw wat i mean . How can i get to you.?

    //Please Post your details here our members / Lawyers will answer your querry.
    – eDitor

  4. Era of kalyuga is near to end
    all we the victims of legal terror witness to the devastation of our traditional family culture by our own power holders it is also called the 4th pillar of kalyug is acting all the way to break its own leg and colapse such as “Shaikh Chilli” had done.

    We have to fight to bring it to conclusion the end by whatever means to bring peace for the future to come and make the harmony prevail.

    let us pray by heart some one among will raise to the height and will fight hard to break the silence of Patience, and will make this power holder agency to think and review the policies and heal the wound.

  5. Well, the section 498A of I.P.C. has in deed been misused since long and it is time that the legislators seriously give a thought for correcting it. There is a book written by Mr. Amit Bhowmik, a Supreme Court lawyer, which the victims of this section(498A) must read- ” A REFERENCER FOR BATTERED MEN” I got this book from Pune and the author also lives in Pune.

  6. yes 498A of CR.pc is now no more useful. Along with 3/4 dowry prevention it is now reckoner as black whole to ruin a family. the principle of Equity is badly slashed when an innocent lady who has nothing to do under complain is being victimize by a immature d frustrated lady under influence of shrewd lawyer to the extent of her life/ family. Now it is high time to make it civil code where equity should be maintained in respect to the provision of FAMILY LAW/ DIVORCE LAW-grant of decree or tital

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