AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Brain dump of Cross examination.

One of the Member asked me, if I am ever been to witness box or cross examination Box.

I have been to Witness box twice for custody case and Divorce.

This is my experience; this is how I answered.

When you are in witness box or for cross examination other party lawyer always make you confuse;

Most of the times they try to prove you are wrong in your own statement or appeal. So remember what you wrote/appealed in

When my name was called, I went in, as I was outside the court room. As soon as I crossed door step I stopped, and looked at judge,

he was watching me, I just stood and bent my head little, wishing him, then went to the box.
Clerk came with small cardboard piece.

As in hindi movies, there were, same few lines like……

WHATEVER I SAY IS TRUTH, I WILL NOT TELL ANYTHING BUT TRUTH….. BLA BLA BHEEEEE” by lifting right hand i swear whatever was written.

Same time i saw her lawyer, he was preparing, he may be thinking i will be clean bold in 2/3 “balls” SORRY questions.

Judge said, go ahead.

Her Lawyer came near the witness box, kept his one hand on witness box bar, gazing at me, and smiling crooked way..
He said, What’s your name…?

I smiled at him and said full or just name?

I gave a bouncer back to him, smilling; but without stopping I continued….
My Name is Rudolph, Full name is ………. I told my full name.

It was a Bouncer to him. He saw me angrily; and asked,

Age ?

36, Its already there in File, wasting time i said; and saw my lawyer face in a questioning way.

my useless lawyer was sitting like a Toad, jumped up and went to judge and said something.

Judge Grumbled, DONT WASTE TIME.

For her lawyer it was a Blow in right place. He glanced at the paper he was holding then said.

You were hitting her….

I said “What for?”

Now he turned to judge in a questioning way.

Judge Grumbled again. Answer YES or NO…

i said “NO.”

You were not Giving her Food ?

i said “NO.”

this “NO” made him confused. as it was not clear, i said i was giving her food or not.

he repeated. same question Again.

I said i answered it already.

He looked at me in a questioning way. you have answer you were giving food or not.

I said, But Judge said, answer YES or NO.

Now Judge went into loop. and all were laughing.

It was tricky question if I say YES, that like admitting I was not giving her Food, if I say NO, that’s like admitting what he says is right.

He repeated, So you were not giving her Food.

Now Ball was in my court.

Judge said, Answer Correctly.

He repeated again, So you were not giving her Food.

No, She was not cooking, she do not know how to cook.

OK, OK, he said, he knows if I was allowed I will continue to talk and omit everything about her.

You were hitting her ? he repeated same question, like he wanted to prove that i am cruel, angry person etc etc….

is it ? when ? i said…. whole court room started to laugh.

It was a Custody case, and my Divorce case was also with same Judge.

before he asks another question I turned to judge and said, this is Custody case or Divorce. ?

Judge was searching for case paper header……

GW…… he shouted. Ask Custody related question only……

then he didn’t had any guts to ask more tricky question than 2 child related questions.

I answered it accordingly and came out.

This is my Brain dump of my cross examination. and simple way to surviving witness box.

5 thoughts on “Brain dump of Cross examination.

  1. I would have been worried if the current crop of lawyers average IQ was above 100, but its not!. Anyway what Rudy says is critical read the whole case thoroughly especially what statements and arguments you had given, if you do not deviate from your well-thought out earlier statements, nothing will go wrong, but if u don’t even remember what you had said…. u can be put in trouble even by a 100 IQ lawyer, since u were lax!, thats all.

  2. Hi

    I read almost all the posts on your blog, I understand the pain you’ve gone through, but I don’t agree with generalizations about women, there are good as well bad across all race, nationality and gender.

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