AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

STEP MOTHER policy of Indian judiciary

As per constitution of India, Every citizen is equal under the law. Even in all law books its written everyone should treated equally, but in reality there are different meaning when same word is used by Men and Indian Women.

When Man file a true Case against women or attempt to file, that he file to Harass her.
When Woman file a false Case against a man, that she files because she was harassed (No proofs needed – Her words are Gospel Truth).

It is not only in my 498a case, without any proof police filed case on me, and charge sheet was registered on same day of FIR. do you think our Indian Police so quick to investigation and come to an conclusion that i took and demanded dowry ?
which is ultimately proved false by herself by not attending any court date for last 14 years.

When i told, she run away with my Gold and Valuable, Police not only not took my case but said, So… Now you want to harass her by filling false case on her, 1st come out of 498A and come to us with proof.
When i said she took my Child, they said Mother took the Child, no need to ask Father. as Child is smaller than 5 years old.

At last in Child Custody case when case reached High Court of Karnataka, reply to one of the IA is

The child has not seen the father since his birth. Hence, question of granting the custody of the child in the circumstances does not arise” without mentioning Father was kept away from Child by FORCE, by LAW.

When Police refused to take Complaint of Child Abduction, if Father take child, Indian Law term it as Abduction, but Mother abduct, Mother can taker her Child,no need to ask Father.

If Father try to file custody petition in court till Child is 5 year old they will not entertain Fathers petition against Mother, they take Mother Petition, coz Indian Law term Father as Abductor.

She took him when he was 2 year old but Indian Courts count as since birth.

For 4 years Family court just dragged case without giving any relief and said Father did not attempted to meet child, when judge did made any note of my visitation to child School and my willingness to share his expenses. that’s how Family court kept me away from my Child by FORCE by LAW.

Even in High court it took 5 years to come to an conclusion and delivered above decision “The child has not seen the father since his birth“.

I asked Visitation in 2003 and now its 2012, almost 9 years and no proper Verdict.

Some Orders came like this….

Deposit PASSPORT to meet Child.
Deposit 10 Lakh to meet Child.

At any cost Law can keep Father away from the child, as long as possible by Law but term it as Father did not met the Child……

Now you know, how words are applied differently to Man and Women In India. i can call it STEP MOTHER policy of Indian judiciary.

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