AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Letter to Bishop

In the year 2002, I approached ecclesiastical court of church at Mangalore for advice; and settle our Problem; when she is away from for years without any contact I had right to file for divorce they said;

So I appealed to divorce, but I told them I’m ready to negotiate for the sake of our son.

Respected Rev. Father;

This letter in Reference to your letter for one more statement for the Ref: No. 33/02.
I came to you in anticipation that you will solve our problem and help us clear our doubts and save my sacrament; it is almost one year now, when I approached you.

She has been staying away in a foreign country without any contacts. So far she managed to escape from Law also, I do not think, she came to you for your letter to prove the truth. As you know she runs away with my gold and insurance certificates,
She never present to the court where she lodged false complaint against me, her sister threatened me to kill, and she sent 3 men on 28th 2000 night to threaten me. Her parents came to my parent’s house and gave bad words and shouted at them. And also they went to a widow’s house who fixed our marriage and threatened her too. There are many things I never told anyone.

I asked many people and consulted them, and no one told me that she will do well if I take her back. If a single ordinary person says I was wrong, I’m ready to do anything.

If she really wanted then she would have came to the court and proved her dowry complaint, I can prove her wrong because I never took or demanded a single paisa.

They keep on doing wrong things on us, now if she wants to come back she will not able to revert all that they have done to us. You may say I have to forgive her, I can but only for whatever they have done to me, but they have threatened and insulted my parents and relatives. Anyone can make a mistakes once that can be forgiven, but she did the same mistake again and again, if she really wanted to come back, she would have withdrawn her complaint immediately but has not done that

When I gave you my statement I told you I’m ready for compromise, now I do not think it is possible, so far I spent almost 2,02050 Rupees, which they never able to give; and she harassed me mentally. If she can revert everything back with proper apology and repay my money I’ll take her back, and she has to give in writing for all things she has done to me and have to promise she will change her way of thinking.

I know they have influence in church, and you can favor her, but law will not wait for long. In months or two, they will finalize my divorce appeal, if she is not appears to the court, and I can’t stop them.

Lastly, sorry for wasting your valuable time and I would like to thank you for your co-operation.

Thanking you

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