AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Child Custody

No matter with whom the child is, Child will be always a looser,for the the child has not done any wrong so why should the child decide to be with a father or mother.

I am sure if one asks oneself a question at our age if you have to decide between your mother or father ?

who shall you choose ?. I could not answer this question

why is it not possible not to drag the child into this controversy and use a child as a pawn by the law and ourselves.As i`m fighting for my Child custody, but his mother want to take him as a shield in her divorce and blackmail in Future,not because she loves my son. in my mother in laws own words, “As long as my son with them, they can make me dance,and bring me on my knees”.

why cant we decide what is in the best intrest of the child.Mostly the law decided in favour of mother in india,and to prolong this messy fight may traumatize the child more, as a father would you be able to see all this ,when your child suffers.

I decided against it, not because i was nto capable to take care of child,but because i loved him.
I decided to leave him with her mother,as it is Indian laws favor women, Even she is a prostitute and indian fathers do not have any rights over his Children.

I never tried to get away with my responsiblities, when my son was with me, I used to getup not less than 3 times at night to chnage his daipers, wet cloths, when his mother was in deep sleep, snoring. and When i came back from office, he was always waiting for me,or come running whenever he hear my voice, to play with me, to be with me.

Child custody for Father in india is a dream, lawyers and court accept Fathers appeal,just to entertain public and show world that india is democaratic, male dominated society.As per my knowledge one out of million cases, decided in favor of Father.

In my case, lawyers try to drag as much as possible, and judge hardly ask why mother is not coming to court,when she came to court only 2 times in last 7 years. she left my son with her parents and went abroad,still judge is unable to decide who can take of him. she gave all false statements and swore lies on BIBLE. so i decided not to fight this biased indian laws, and traumatis my son draging this case more. in a hope that some day he will realise and ask, why he cann`t meet his Father. why his Parents are not together. i know she and her parents will fill him with all lies and alegations and hatred towards me.

Still someday he will make her to answer.and he will know the truth.

6 thoughts on “Child Custody

  1. Very sorry to hear your story.
    When will India and many other countries realize that a father’s love for his child can be equal, if not greater, than the mother? Especially, modern fathers who share child-rearing responsibilities with the mothers, develop an even stronger bond with their children. The laws are being exploited by modern Indian women who see children as leverage in failed marriages.

  2. If was heartening to read the story. It is a truth that Indian laws are biased in favor of women. The female know that they can get away with their crimes or launch false allegations on men. Men are targeted by legal system.

  3. I am a suffering father too . But I have decided to fight. I have made KARMA as my guideline for life. I dont want to preach relegion but I am impressed and would love to follow what GITA says do the RIGHT ACTION and do worry about outcome.
    I have decided to fight Coz I Believe in my FREEDOM , SELF RESPECT and do not want anyone to dictate or take away my HUMAN RIGHTS.

    I have told my wife openly I am ready for jail even if I loose the false 498 case but will not let her BLACKMAIL me.

    I personally think I cannot let go or not fight for something that is BASIS of my life. I may not be very confidant about law but I WILL FIGHT FOR JUSTICE !!!

  4. Exactly same is the situation with me dear. We are feeling helpless. But there is a supreme power “GOD” who will definitely help us out some day. Pls dont loose hopes. I would like to talk to u if u dont mind. Mail me at Take Care.

  5. I am a sufering father too ,am not able to meet my son , dont worry truth will remian , just make sure you take care of your self and try ur best to get meeting rights and see your son , it all matters when you are present with him for those hours , for me thats all that matters , i know its not my ex -wifes fault too she has been a very good wife and mother some where there as fault in me and our marrage broke on bitter note.
    she was an excellent women to be married to , but now my focus is only my SON and his future , i know very well the pain on losing children , but hey look at the bright side , he is gonna come to you soon ,

    i am facing same problem ,we father & mother are the reason of childs birth so why our child suffer? when in murder case as per law the murderer should hanged not a wepon, we parents is the reason so why our child going to suffer
    im fight against separation till your child married or they stand up well in their carieer. they may take divorce But at any cost they do not take saperation from child

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