AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Dream Never came True

As I wrote earlier, I got married last month.

Here after I refer my Old chapter as EX; and current one as Wife

I was thinking all girls are just like Ex, but I was wrong, she is simple and humble. I asked my wife after 3 weeks together.

Is there any complaint against me or about me or found anything wrong as I told before marriage. As it is said, “Lie thousand times to get marry

She said NO, and of course she didn?t asked like My Ex “GIVE ME DIVORE” just after one week of marriage.

I asked same question to her sister too, as she is the one who arranged our marriage.


Now you know, who Lost.!

I seen My Ex comes to my blog and check if there is any new entry, even today morning there is an IP entry log. I am not sure why she so curious to know about my status. I am not saying she lost something, but I wanted my Ex to know. As she was always argue about money and Gold and falsely accused too.

I gave my wife Gold worth more than a Lakh on Engagement Day and Opened a FD cum Insurance, and 1st Premium itself 1 Lakh.
As I Promised before this marriage that we will have our own Separate house; and we dreamt together to build new House and start Family and Today she has Land bigger than one Acre and Construction for new House worth 20 Lakhs Starts Today.

Dear Ex;

You wanted to ruin my life and career but I can say you ruined your own life; you dug your own Grave.
You challenged me, and wanted me behind Bars.

But I can say, I rose from ashes of all? these your Dreams.

25 thoughts on “Dream Never came True

  1. i was just passing over this website and suddenly came across this article. whoever you are i dnt care,. just wanted to tell you that i am a strong supporter of woemen. If anybody says anything bad against any women without any proof i am totally against it.

    From your article it looks that you are a phycho. and nothing less than that. Cause in many of your sitations you want to prove yourself that you are right. You are just accusing some one. May be you are wrong and she is right?? And may be she is innocent. And you a phsyco.

    You know .. what according to LAW is punishment for defaming any one??

    According to your sitations it looks like you are married. Wel,, Plzz…. at least now grow up and start your new life. And why do you want to dig up your old matters again?? Are you O.K.

  2. You should read cyber law before commenting and calling phsyco.

    i have every detail of you.

    your IP, what you were searching on facebook..

    before teaching me Law.

    writting truth is not defame, as i have all proofs and details.

    and its none of your business, what i do.

    anyway thank you for your comments.

  3. For my first point you have commented saying read Cyber Law.

    Ok.. Listen, you dont have to teach me LAW. Am fully aware what law is. And what cyber Law is ?? And what you are ??

    And when i had raised so many points, you took guts to reply my only one point. And looks like, you have accepted that you are a phsyco, and always digging on to old matters. Dnt understand what kind of satisfaction you get by publishing all this.

    And first check what besiness meant according to you ??

    whether besiness or business.

    Losers are always losers. And you know who is a loser. Only losers always try to dig up the old matters.

    Keep enjoying with the details like searching all IP address and which site we are browsing. Hey poor .. LOL ..

  4. Leela Shresta thats funny; i am sure you are one of the sadist divorced fat ugly bit**

  5. Unless you are one, you never know what others are, right phsyco.

    I seen many like you; NONAME rightly said what you are.

    We men always look for old matters so we will not make same mistakes again. if we made any.

    we are not like women,sleep with many before marriageand hiding when get married.

    by the way what is Cyber law.?

  6. Hey You are asking me what is cyber LAW. ??

    Its really very funny. Feeling realy pity on u .. LOL.

    For your info.. i have studied physcology + i have done M phil in Laws. And i have studied many physchic cases like yours. I just wanted some materials to write thesis ,, n thats how i jumped on this page of your’s. It’s really shit man. And i dnt think i have to or is necessary to answer all ur stupid n phschic questions.

    N wel, let me tell you am not sadist as you mentioned.. Poor Lol ….

    Am happily married and have 3 kids with me. You funny old chap.. ennjoy your life…. good luck to you …. Dare not to talk to me like that ….

  7. Oh, now that bit** is in Dubai,

    she slept with me and run away with my money. very cunning lady

  8. is it physcology or psychology. and

    what is physchic ? or do you mean psychic.

    forget MPhil now im sure who is psychic and you not even passed 1st standerd.

    and oh yea, all three kids are from your husband ? just curious after reading others comments

  9. These comments of yours .. cited in different names are really funny. What do you think ?? We cannot judge a normal person n Pshycho.

  10. Leela Shrestha, you have said that you are a strong supporter of women and will not tolerate anybody saying anything against them without proof. But you have no problem in calling the author a ‘Psycho’ without any proof. That is because he is a man. There are plenty of women accusing men of all kinds of things without proof. Should men tolerate all that shit from you women??? I will sue you for calling the author a psycho without proof!!!! He is a man and I am a fighter for men’s rights. BEWARE!!

  11. Fuck Off You Mr. Rohan ,, so called Crusader.

    And for your kind info,, let me explain u – i had stressed on the point “Truth Always Hurt” for author itself .. N not me, Mr. Crusader or Curse Sider. And keep enjoying your so called site with your so called PHSCHO Frens of yours….


  12. Rohan, we Proved again, how these lost Feminists react,when they burn their hand.

    Leela, I am not deleting or moderating your words,coz that denote what you are. and NONAME/BIJAY and AMIT said it rightly already, and now you proved yourself.

    We all know, women dug their own grave,do not blame us.

    by the way what is PHSCHO ? so called MPhil ? now you cannt even spell it correctly ?

    what pathetic state of a misrable women of 3 Kids.

  13. Is leela really a prostitute? Please send me her contact details, may be I could try my luck too.

  14. Leela prostitution is a crime, you should not have sex for money. That is not good for the society you or for your kids.

  15. Coming in different names doesnt prove that u are innocent Mr. Crusader cum Mr. Rohan cum Mr. Noname cum Bijay cum Ganesh cum Amit.

    I totally disagree, n feel y to spoil our mood talking to a suicider phsycho.

    Whatever u say bot my wife, i really trust her n love her lot. N dnt try challenge us. Coz u know what we can do. Your hiding entity will be disclosed. Hope you know what where the rules when you had registered yoursellf in this websites.

    I know, you must have been a loser in your previous life. And think rest other guys are also like you.

    If you try say more about …. then you know v can sue you for defaming and publishing in this website. I can close your website even ..

    And plzz .. dnt waste our time. I know u might not be having any work ,,,, so instead of working in your office i think u always keep urself busy in going against code of ethics by browsing all this stupid nonsense website of urself and earn Millions.

    HEY SICK PSHYCHO …… Try saying a word then see …. You G_Y.

  16. Coming in different names doesnt prove that u are innocent Mr. Crusader cum Mr. Rohan cum Mr. Noname cum Bijay cum Ganesh cum Amit.

    I (Deepak Tampan) totally disagree, n feel y to spoil our mood talking to a suicider phsycho.

    Whatever u say bot my wife, i really trust her n love her lot. N dnt try challenge us. Coz u know what we can do. Your hiding entity will be disclosed. Hope you know what where the rules when you had registered yoursellf in this websites.

    I know, you must have been a loser in your previous life. And think rest other guys are also like you.

    If you try say more about …. then you know v can sue you for defaming and publishing in this website. I can close your website even ..

    And plzz .. dnt waste our time. I know u might not be having any work ,,,, so instead of working in your office i think u always keep urself busy in going against code of ethics by browsing all this stupid nonsense website of urself and earn Millions.

    HEY SICK PSHYCHO …… Try saying a word then see …. You G_Y.

  17. Mr.Deepak Tampan Please Keep your word and shut us down.

    Lets see who defame who.

  18. i think the word pshyco is used by leela for all people who disrespect their terrorist wives..

    atleast she acknowledges the terrorism

  19. Leela Shresta, I understand your desperation for a REAL FUCK. I am ready. Where can we meet? There are many more guys who are ready too and would join me.

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