AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Your opinion Please…!

I was always thinking sex is something we have to save it for a special person. Even I asked before marriage and I got the answer “Nothing to tell about past” and later marriage ended up in Divorce by various reason including her PAST.

I know many girls have had hidden past, they will not disclose, some say its innocent mistake of teenage, some boast that they bedded many guys and show how many guys after her and how famous sorry notorious she was in her collage time but they hardly reveal their past when they get marry;

Some girls want to get out of marriage and disclose, to get back to her Boyfriend, as per this Article [WCD/NCW has answer for this?.

Some disclose after marriage but they will not get back to her Ex., as Ex. is not ready to accept her now.

Sometime Husband find out and she will be divorced; but she will put up shaadi profile saying again INNOCENT DIVORCEE.

As I know most of the collage day outings, encounters and teenage love affairs will not end up in happy endings or marriage; Its purely attraction and Lust not love at all, even both are care for each other and ready to do anything for others, because they know clearly they are not capable to keep that promise lifelong because they are not financially capable or ready to face the Society and world or lead life together.

If Girl is going out with someone who is not of her community, caste or religion then it’s totally physical need and lust, not love, as her family or society will not agree for their union; it’s India, not west. I can say one in 10,000 will get marry after fighting all the odds. Even in later life after getting her own job, if she fall in love with someone other than her religion, caste or community, that also I can say Fatal attraction coz there are vultures always looking for a prey, but its women life ruined because of their open mindedness or maybe she also looking for one night standing thinking future husband will not find out. Because women past matters to majority Indian Men.

I knew a Girl, a colleague; she had been with many men, but two for sure that I know. she was getting married to another New guy, who I know also; when they got engaged I told that guy, you know her past know ? He said yea…

Anyway, they got married and when I met that Girl, I asked her, casually; did you told him about your past encounters….

She laughed at me and told. No way.

I asked her, he did not ask you about it.

She said; I told him, if he is not ready to take her as she is, and allergic to her past who exchanged some good time with others and shared some love and affection when he was not around, he should not marry. Moreover, he was not having any objection to that, nor I did not asked him about his past, nor I wanted a Virgin Boy.

Ok ok I got it, I said. It is too open minded to an old timer with conservative values.

Moral of the Story, Have it and let others have

1 thought on “Your opinion Please…!

  1. Yea in True in todays World, there is no Value to be True to one;
    She was right and you r wrong Old timer;
    You wasted your Life;
    She may be around with hundreds now and you are jer^^ing off alone.

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