Do the real women victims deserve contempt or support?

Welcome Forums Advice 498A Do the real women victims deserve contempt or support?

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    • #217

      I am here to question if few bunch of fraud women who put up false cases against their husbands and in-laws, then are all the rest women viewed from the same angle and perception???

      The genuiness of girls who are the real victims is being doubted by all today. All think that the alimony she is demanding is unjustified and unreasonable. But i want to say that think of the poor parents who spend lacs on their daughter’s happiness. Do they not deserve at least a percentage of their money spent on a ship-wreck so that they could at least re-build it to some extent.

      I agree women are much educated today and its useless in waiting for court’s order to provide them maintenance or alimony from husband. But this is not a question of money ….it is a question of balance and justice. A man who is the culprit…gets all the marriage gifts, all bride’s gold and belongings and cash and after mis-treating her and her parents who flooded his bank accounts, walks away smilingly proclaiming that she was the culprit therefore i cant provide her anything. And further dis-honours her respect by putting up dirty charges against her and bribing all the lawmen to escape his faults and punishment. So where is the justice being done?

      Though some men in this forum genuinely helped and adviced me wisely but why the ratio is so small? The men today are abusing women publicily whether in courts or special forums like these, so disgustingly that it feels shame to even ask for help here.

      Even though if i have proofs of my husband’s mis-conduct, so why does law and our fellow citizens doubt my words? Why are women treated so ruthlessly, as if we are the culprits of some sinuous crimes done to the society, even when we are the victims of the bad marriage and maltreatment?

      I have already filed for my mutual divorce and will definitely lead my life well after i get out my divorce case. I will for sure one day forget all the miseries{physical and mental} i have gone through. Not even this i would like to even help other women and men who need help. But dint i deserve some support or advice when i needed them most? Did i ask someone here to personally go with me to the court rooms or elsewhere to resolve my issues…all i asked for was some theoretical law knowledge? Am i suppose to shut my voice and move on by abstaining myself from demanding justice? Is it easy to live with this feeling that no one believes you because there are no. of false cases prevailing so frequently?

    • #1314

      Hi Priya,

      Are you sure that there are hand full of women who are fraud? Please make sure you have facts and figures in place before commenting. check the data where women suicide cases are half of the men because of broken marriage and false cases. There is less than 1% conviction in all marital disputes. I’ve all the proves with me where if taken seriously by our judiciary system then they would have dismissed the case on the first hearing but did i get justice from our corrupt judiciary system. Our judiciary system is so biased and corrupt that every day there is a death of justice.

      Priya now a days more than 95% 498a, DV and child custody cases filed in our so called justice department are FALSE and even our judges, lawyers and govt. know.

      Just ask yourself why the hell laws are so biased men cannot file cases like 4981 and DV against women, why there is no prosecution for all fraud women who put false cases on men and their families, aren’t our mother and sisters not women, are we all men from VENUS and not from earth where you today’s woman and our justice department treat us like aliens. Why 498a arrests are non-cognizable.

      Do you have answers to all this.

    • #1315

      Is your Father BAD or Brothers are Villains ?

      We do nto term all women are BAD as we have Mother and sisters too. and we do not term all women BAd because few Women file False case Against their husband,

      But whole Society / Legal system Term all men are villains, GUILTY till proven innocent even they are charged with False case.

      So Your answer lies in your own Question.

      Who get all the money, in divorce its women, even she is at Fault.

      Who get custody of child Even mother is Criminal / Fraud / or Prostitute

      I have example women filled Divorce and within a year she got the Divorce, and i fought 10 years for my Divorce.

      Mother kidnap child from custody of Father and kept it with someone else, when Father ask for visitation court ask him to deposit his Passport.

      This is crude Truth; and my own experience.

    • #1316

      Hi kutiyakakhasam,

      I do not agree at all with you that judiciary is biased. I am supporting this with a real example of my cousin. Last year my brother was screwed by his wife by putting up all false police and dowry and what not…cases against him. Even his parents were threatened to life and followed day and night by some local murderers. Not even this the girl even threatened to kill his relatives us and etc.

      But the judiciary with reasonable system of working considered my cousin’s evidences and the case was still decided in my cousin’s favour. And in the end the father of his wife also apologized to my cousin.

      So i think u should contact the right set of people for ur justice and not the ones who are just breeding on your money with no positive results.

    • #1317

      Hi Mr. Crusader …i simply sympathize with your bad experiences. Also, i would like to state that do not think i am in any way against you. I totally agree with your valid point that …GUilty till proven innocent. I respect your opinions. But all i want to say is that i hope atleast you would next time try to know the real situation before passing decisions about being guilty. The majority against someone …doesn’t automatically mean that the thing is bad.

      I am not here just to prove that women are right. I have in such a short span of my life even seen women who play games with the husband’s innocence and money. So i totally vote for men’s rights too. But if someone like you asks for help then i would patiently and positively listen to your end of story and not look for loopholes to go against your gender. Hence later if i find some doubts about your defaults then i would clear them up and not criticize or aggravate your problems further. Because that is not what u were seeking right? So be more open-minded.

    • #1318

      Dear Priya,

      Grass always looks greener on the other side it might be your individual opinion but i do agree to all the siff volunteers bcause female being wrong also always gets the emotional and sympathtic fovour from the public whereas its nothing else than common and biased gender phenominal difference.

      U are talking about the arrange men even in the love marriage also facing the 498a and so there is no point of supporting such females who before filing such case are not event bothered about the aged relatives and the consequnses of the cases, so as you are being ignored because of such idiot females.

      Approaching police is just a method for them to seek a dominating place in a house but she forget once entering into police station she actually loose the left space of compromise too.

      do think and try to get the meaning of alimony from the boy side if money is being spent on marrige isit just from the girl side and not from the boy side.

      still she expect to extort more from the boy.

      Anyway still i keep faith in you if you are true.


    • #1319

      you can correspond with me on

    • #1320

      The answer will be known when you answer this question “Are all Men rapists, as many women leaders openly say”

    • #1321

      Hi Priya,

      Can you please share with us how much time it took for your cousin to prove his innocence? Priya we are not saying that you are not a victim like us, all am saying that now a days most of the cases filed in courts are false which leads to cruelty on men but there is no remedy as our judiciary system will never punish a women and on top of it men is the one who end up supporting such kind of women throughout his life. Who is responsible for all the pain men are going through. Do women really think about WELFARE of our children, answer is BIG NO all they want is freedom and money.

      Today women treat men like ATM machine, they try to extract money from us as they are very well aware we being a father we foolish men can do anything for our own kid, but just step back and think again what our children has done wrong, why our children suffer, what is best for our children who haven’t seen this world, they don’t even know what is right and wrong, they cannot differentiate between BLACK AND WHITE.

      AAJ KI ABLA NARI is not at all thinking on these lines as they have closed their eyes and ears only thing they are worried about is MONEY and luxuries. In my case in my short marriage i’ve already given her more than 20 Lakhs and still facing DV and child custody case and that bi### is asking for maintenance and 25 Lakhs more.


      you can email me if you want more to discuss on this my email id is

    • #1322

      Brothers and Sisters,

      Let us not have a gender fight. All we are fighting here is against the injustice. So be it men or women. So let us help people who have been flasely framed. The one thing which all men here fighting is that in the law it states that women or wife can state any thing and men has to prove for himself that all allegations are wrong. Also arresting even women who are pregrant and old people without any investigation is agaist humanity.

      Let us fight against the injustice be it men or women.

      I am facing a litigation without making any demands from the girl side. There was no harrasment done to the girl, all we asked is to stay together that is me, my parents and her. Today i have been wronged and me and my parents are facing allegations. So guide us on how to fight against the injustice.

    • #1323

      Ravi Please post your story in new thread, so members can guide you.

      No one is fighting, we are exchanging our ideas

    • #1324

      Hi Ravi,

      Your thoughts are wise and most welcome, but as mentioned by Crusader, we are not fighting here we are speaking our minds and exchanging ideas. We are bringing facts and figures in front of people who are not aware. As we mentioned in our earlier messages as well that we are not saying there aren’t genuine women who have been going through the tough time, our point is don’t generalize as clearly mentioned in one of the post by GOKUL that “Are all Men rapists, as many women leaders openly say” .

      We are saying that now a days there are more than 95% cases filed in courts are false where our bitter halves take advantage of poorly drafted laws.

    • #1325

      Hi rripples, Thanks for your response. I liked ur free way of expressing ur opinions.

    • #1326

      Hi gopulkr,

      I strongly oppose this statement that all men are rapists. I never club all the things in one category. Sometimes the voice of the innocent is being pressed among numberless wrong pupil.

    • #1327

      Hi kutiyakakhasam, I am sorry to hear about your case. Whatever best i can help you i would.

      My cousin got justice in one year. He filed divorce case under sec-13 in september 2007 and then his wife filed numerous bad cases against him in oct 2007. Finally the case got over in nov 2008. My cousin had strong evidences against her.

    • #1328

      Hi ravi76, ur remarks made me smile after a long time. Atleast you got my viewpoint that it is not about men or women…its about justice. Who so ever demands it should be provided. If you are right in every measure or parameter then no one can punish you.

      Look at me…my husband has put such offensive remarks against me because he knows i belong to a gud family and i m sensitive…so i would give up. But i dint. His vulgar behaviour shows his weakness. In fact i being the girl(as people here say–girl are powerful when it comes to law n courts) did not accuse him of any wrong charges which i could have done….but i know my limits…i cannot descend to his lowness. So this gives me the strength to keep fighting because i know i m right and i deserve justice by following the right method….no matter what others think and say.

      Also, i would like to advice you for your case…contact some good lawyer. If you have any evidences to prove your point that you dint harass the girl then collect them and present them in the court. Also get your complaint registered in some Grievance cell that the girl is molesting you to file police against you….if your story is true and if the cell’s workmen find valid grounds then they will make sure that FIR etc is not filed against you.

    • #1329

      Ravi If they have been already filed FIR or charge sheet against you then challenge them respectively in the high court.

      This is the max knowledge i ve and in case if u need further advice…let me know i will try to survey and help you.

    • #1330

      Hi Priya,

      See that’s what i’m saying just see your cousins case even after having strong evidences with him it took more than a year to sort out the matter, just think about people who don’t have any strong evidences but still innocent have to face jail, monitory loss, insults and mental disturbances.

      Just think about a husband’s and his family who cannot prove their innocence on the word of some liars (wives and laywers) have to face jail and other legal tortures.

    • #1331

      I agree kutiyakakhasam. I know…and i ve seen men suffer too…But my q was….are all women wrong….but anyways u answered it.

    • #1332

      Priya, i never said all women are wrong i said 95% of them are wrong who falsely implicate men, there are only 5% who are genuine.

    • #1333

      Do you agree with sstggn’s comments on my other thread? I am still unclear about your comment there….What did you actually mean?

    • #1334


      that was for wives who think like that as i mentioned in my previous post there are 95%women who are bi###es and losers who don’t understand the real meaning of life, relationship all that matter for them is MONEY, and on the other side there are still 5% who are genuine.

      That comment was only for those few 95% women.

    • #1335

      Ok understood Kukutiyakakhasam.

    • #1336

      Priya, I am a female victim of law misuse. I am not enjoying any rights as a female or even as a human just because I have a brother who got married to an ill intentioned girl. If you talk about the REAL victim girls, as you have yourself mentioned, they can get justice from the channels mentioned by you. But we have no such channels open for us. I am sure your brother’s case would not be as simple as ours (the girl who has accused us hasnt stayed with us at all), still you have claimed that he has got justice while we are losing our health, mental peace, money and our lives are ruined just because my brother is CAPABLE and can earn well (as claimed by the law abusers). Needless to say that we are helpless and are struggling for justice each day of our life.

      So please leave this forum for people like us and enjoy the justice and freedom destiny has blessed you with.

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