Ex Party Divorce

Welcome Forums Advice 498A Ex Party Divorce

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    • #444

      Hi, I had got an Ex-party divorce decree way back in Aug 2008. Where in wife’s lawyer stopped coming to court after attending initial 2-3 hearings. She had filed Transfer application before HC which was decided Infructous as the original case was decided in my favous as ex-party.

      Post decision she had filed Set – aside application before the Lower Court which has been continuing for more than 2 years and is at evidence stage. Wherein she has given a statement that owing to her Transfer application she did not give instruction to her counsel to appear in the Divorce Matter and her Transfer application is still pending before High Court. Against that I had filed Sec. 340 for mis-representing the facts under oath, as the matter of transfer was decided in 2008 itself as Infructous.

      I have one question “Can I re marry now”. As there are different views I’m getting from different lawyers. Some say “Yes” – As there is no restriction of Stay on my remarriage. Whereas some feel otherwise as she is contesting the judgement of Divorce through Set aside petition and suggest to wait till that gets decided.

    • #2448

      If already exparte decree of divorce is there in your favour against which there is no orger, then you have chance to remarry, no need to bother about the same.

      http://www.jaihindlegal.com 9821387099, 9224799546

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