Getting Divorced Without Going to Court‏

Welcome Forums Advice Divorce Getting Divorced Without Going to Court‏

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    • #148

      Hi All. Wonder if there is any solution of getting divorced without going to court in India if wife is agreeing for the same. Appreciate your prompt response at your possible convenience. Cheers / GCSRTJ

    • #1056

      If marriage falls under HMA, then I am sure there is no option but involve court… you can do mutual divorce but it has to be approved by court….

      Mutual divorce better provided blood doesn’t come out of your nose in paying settlement…. you will know what i mean.

    • #1057

      Marriage is a legal bond;

      you can`t break it on both of your wish.

      It should be terminated by legal means, eg : court.

      Women has no Problem living seperatly by mutual consent, but if marriage is not ended legaly she will be pain in the a$$ for men forever as per current senario.

    • #1058

      YEs, definitely, if she also wants the same, you can both hire the same lawyer for paper work and apply for divorce by mutual consent. There will be a mandatory 1 year separation required for this appeal to process. And thereafter there will be a “cooling off period” of 6 months before you get a final divorce decree. By all means this is the most sane way of getting divorced if the relationship is not meant to be.

      Wishing you both all the best and hope you make sane decisions …..

    • #1059

      Hi all. I appreciate your honest ideas. What about Special Marriage Act-1954? I am abroad and my wife is in India and I sense a grave danger ahead. She would have called me for divorce and would probably get me arrested on false pretext through those stupid legal system which is quite rampant now a days? Is there any better solution where I don’t need to go to court but still get divorced on mutual consent?

    • #1060

      ask her to send Divorce papers

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