mentally ill wife

Welcome Forums Advice 498A mentally ill wife

  • This topic has 7 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #49

      my wife is a mentally ill lady from last 15 years which i know after marriege. i was cheated by my relative. and her parents dont ready to give divorce and they ask for arrest me and my parents under 498. plz suggest me

    • #753

      You can alway go for divorce before they file 498a.

      if you prove she had mental problem before marriage then its easy for you.still you have to answer what you were doing so long,and it may lead you endup paying alimony to her.

      if you have 498a threats its better keep in touch with our members. please find world wide contact numbers on contact us page of

    • #754

      dear sir,

      i have no proof to prove that she is mentally ill before marriage but i have proof of after marriage during this period i got a son from her but after 1 month of berth she left my home alone and the child leiving with me from 1 and half years. if i go for divorce can she file the case under 498a as they threaten me and my parents. we have seperated from 1 and half year. and my marriage held on 23 june 07.

    • #755

      my wife is a mentally ill lady from last 15 years


      my marriage held on 23 june 07.

      Which is true ?

    • #756

      yes sir

    • #757

      You say

      you have no proof to prove that she is mentally ill before marriage

      and at the same time you say

      wife is a mentally ill lady from last 15 years

      then how do you know she is ill for last 15 years.

      if you are married her in 2007 now its 2009; is it 15 years or one and half years marriage.?

    • #758

      After 2 years of marriage I had applied for divorce based on cruelty occured on me. She is very violent and I suffered lot of injuries, some henious. Her behavior resembles that of a Psychopath. So, If I tell that to the court that she is a psychopath, what will be the implications with respect to the Permanent alimony? please advice. We have a daughter. I am paying 11,000/- per month as maintenance to both of them. Will the Permanent alimony will be calculated just based on my financial status or will there be any relief I can get because she is the one who is cruel to me.

    • #759

      For a women just words are enough to show, there was cruelty she met. even she was treated royally.

      but unfortunatly in india, even man produce proofs judiciary still think man as a villain.

      you have to provide solid proofs to prove she harassed you.most of th etim elower court ignore whatever proofs man(husband) gives, only way appeal in higher court.

      Alimony is calculated based on the status you both lived together and time to time she can appeal for increase as per her need and requirements.

      still there are ways to reduce maintenance Read this

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