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Welcome Forums Advice 498A Please help


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    • #156

      Respected Sir

      My self Vikas living in gurgaon (Haryana) & my in laws live in Village Dahar, Meerut (U.P) After marriage on March12, 2009 my in-laws threaten & abuse me, Indirectly they demand my parental home in gurgaon & land in village.

      Her father took her forcefully on Dec02, 2008 for her brother marriage on Dec07, 2008 while my father suffering from dengue & me & my mother was suffering from fever. I request her & her father that we will go one or two days before but they refuse. After that we had gone 4 to 5 times to bring her back but every time her father refuses by saying that I will not send at any cost. On july31, 2009 I filed a complained case of section 9A, after that they impose false dowry & domestic violence FIR (498a, 323, 324, 504, 506, 125, ¾ dowry prevention act & domestic violence act 2005 on Sept 01, 2009; police came to our home on Sept08, 2009. No mutual meeting was arrange by women cell b/w .

      Allahabad high court provided stay on arrest till investigating officer submit his report

      They mention in fir that on august 23, 2009 we (father, mother, sister brother in law & myself) gone to their home (6:00 AM) & beaten her. Her medical was done by Primary health center doctor Mr. rakesh Chandra on Aug23, 2009 at 7:00 AM (Sunday) Opening time of PHC is 8:00 AM. He done the examination without informing the local police & generate the report on simple A4 SIZE Paper.

    • #1079

      Counter their FIR asking to produce witness and Police complaint that you went to their home and beat her. and also ask to produce Doctor who produced fake certificate.

      You can easily counter her every statement.

      and also let us know what is there is her 498A FIR.

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