Threatened for 498A getting registered

Welcome Forums Advice 498A Threatened for 498A getting registered

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #79

      I got married using website My wife was not co-operative but still me and my family gave her lot of love and keep her like a person living with us since birth. After 4 months i presented my wife with a cell phone. This created interference of my inlaws in our family. My wife being a house wife and myself a s/w developer working in Noida. I took my wife after 4 months she lived with my family in Yamuna Nagar (Haryana). Soon after coming to Noida, interference of my inlaws started increasing like anything. They not only interfered in our family matters but came to noida and insulted me and my mother (who comes to Noida once in a month or two).

      After 1 month of this incidence they came to our home and took my wife without my permission and against my saying to my wife to not to go like that.

      After 4 days of last incidence they came to my home and said they did a mistake and will not do that again.

      After 10 days further of this incidence, my mother was with me in noida and wife was in yamuna Nagar in her 8th month of delivery. She was called by my inlaws to run away from her house and stand at the side of the road. She did the same, soon a car came that helped her to run away.

      now the story is that my inlaws are abusing me and my family that they will file 498A case against us. Me, my family and my inlaws all know that the allegations that my inlaws are putting are all wrong and vague but my inlaws will/may file a false 498A case against me. Please let me know what to do?

    • #785

      You did not give any time or date;

      if she recently left you then report it to police immedietly that she left your home her own and not ready to come back. Give them in writting and take their signature, as they should not deny that you did not reported later.

      If she left any of her things at your home, in same letter ask police to inform her to take her things if she is not ready to come back; that shows you are not interested in her stridhan

      Send a lawyer notice

      and next day file Restitute conjugal rights appeal.

      and If you are in Noida then, call and meet our members, they will guide you properly

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