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Every death of a Women is not abetment

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL Nos. 1735­-1736 OF 2010 SATBIR SINGH & ANOTHER …APPELLANTS Versus STATE OF HARYANA …RESPONDENT JUDGMENT N. V. RAMANA, CJI. 1. The present appeals arise out of the impugned judgment dated 06.11.2008 passed by the…

Accused has a right to cross-examine the witnesses

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Sunil Mehta & ANR. Vs. State of Gujarat & ANR. [Criminal Appeal No. 327 of 2013 arising out of S.L.P. (CRL.) No.374 of 2012] T.S. THAKUR, J. 1. Leave granted. 2. The short question that falls for our determination in this…

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