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Bombay HC: Husband Convicted For Causing Dowry Death Cannot Inherit Deceased Wife’s Property Under Hindu Succession Act

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY TESTAMENTARY AND INTESTATE JURISDICTION TESTAMENTARY PETITION NO.807 of 2020 Pawan Jain Vs Sejal Anurag Jain …Deceased CORAM : N. J. JAMADAR, J. PRONOUNCED ON : JULY 02, 2024 1. Heard the learned counsel for the parties. 2….

Section 304 B – Dowry Death – soon before cannot be interpreted to mean immediately before

Every death of a Women is not abetment

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL Nos. 1735­-1736 OF 2010 SATBIR SINGH & ANOTHER …APPELLANTS Versus STATE OF HARYANA …RESPONDENT JUDGMENT N. V. RAMANA, CJI. 1. The present appeals arise out of the impugned judgment dated 06.11.2008 passed by the…

Delhi HC: Parameters for grant of bail to accused prosecuted for Dowry death

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Decision: 21st May 2020 BAIL APPL No. 875/2020 SHYAM KISHOR Vs THE STATE. CORAM: JUSTICE PRATHIBA M. SINGH Crl. M.A. Nos. 6226-27/2020 1. These are applications for exemption from filing dim documents and annexures…

Conviction in a Dowry death case set aside for being based on ‘Inherently Contradictory Approach’

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Decided on:- 6th February, 2019 CRL.A. 734/2002 KIRTI ABROL ….. Appellant Through: Mr. R.D. Mehra, Advocate with Ms. Sweety Singh, Mr. Girish Chandra, & Ms. Archana Kumari, Advocates with appellant in person. versus STATE NCT OF…

When unnatural death of married woman would not amount to Dowry death?

In the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi (Before R.K Gauba, J.) Shiv Ram & Ors. v. State of Delhi Citation: 2018 SCC OnLine Del 13127 Crl. A. 496/2002 Decided on December 7, 2018 The Judgment of the Court was delivered by R.K Gauba,…

No Record or explanation of Dowry demand, Cruelty, Acquitted in Dowry Death

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 476 OF 2005 TARSEM SINGH … APPELLANT Versus STATE OF PUNJAB … RESPONDENT JUDGMENT Appellant was prosecuted for committing murder of his mom Amriko. They were married in a year 1983. Appellant was…

Acquittal in Dowry Death


Mere direct of dowry, No determined direct of dowry clear in 498A and 304B

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1097/2012 JAGDISH & ORS…Appellants Versus STATE OF UTTARANCHAL ..Respondent J U D G M E N T R. BANUMATHI, J. JUDGEMENT This interest arises out of visualisation antiquated 29.12.2011 upheld by High Court…

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