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Complaint Against Magistrate & Police Officials

INDIAN BAR ASSOCIATION (THE ADVOCATES’ ASSOCIATION OF INDIA) Office: 9/15, Bansilal Building, 3rdFloor, HomiModi Street, Fort, Mumbai – 23 Tel: +91-22-62371750, Cell: +91-7045408191, Date:- 20th June,2019 Case No Before Hon’ble President of India:- PRSEC/E/2019/12104 Case No Before Hon’ble Governer of Mahrashtra:- Dist/PLMC/2019/2281 To, 1….

Compensation for illegal detention.

Andhra High Court Iqbal Kaur Kwatra vs The Director General Of Police, … on 2 April, 1996 Equivalent citations: 1996 (2) ALD 390, 1996 (1) ALD Cri 896, 1996 (2) ALT 138, 1996 (1) ALT Cri 622, 1996 (1) APLJ 370, 1996 CriLJ 2600 Bench:…

Can Criminal case to be quashed if complainant has failed to file suit?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Crl. A. No. 745 of 2016 Decided On: 03.08.2016 Prem Kumar Vs. State of Rajasthan and Ors. Coram:V. Gopala Gowda and A.K. Goel, JJ. Citation: 2017 CRLJ744 1. Leave granted. This appeal has been preferred against the judgment and…

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