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Acquitted after 14 years in 498A and 304B IPC

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL.A. No.526/2002 Date of Decision : December 21st, 2016 RAMESH CHANDER ….. PETITIONER Through Mr.S.K. Grover, Adv. versus STATE OF DELHI ….. RESPONDENT Through Mr.Panna Lal Sharma, APP for the State. PSI Arun Kumar, PS Tilak…

498A – Dowry Burning Vs. Gyan Prakash

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Reserve: 03.9.2007 Date of Order: 01.11.2007 Crl.Appeal No. 696/2004 01.11.2007 Narender Kumar and Anr. … Appellants Through: Mr. Atul Jain, Advocate Versus State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) … Respondent Through: Mr. Sunil K….

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