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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Any further complaint by same complainant against same person on same set of fact subsequent to registration of case is invalid.

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD, LUCKNOW BENCH Hon’ble Suresh Kumar Gupta, J. CRIMINAL APPEAL No. 1768 of 2018; 26.07.2021 Anita Devi Pal Vs. State of U.P. Thru. Secretary Deptt. of Home Anr. Counsel for Appellant :- Sudhir Kumar Singh,Santosh Kumar; Counsel for Respondent :-…

Documents can be filed by accused at the time of framing of charge?

ALLAHABAD HIGH COURT CRIMINAL REVISION No. – 4117 of 2016 Satendra Kumar Mishra. Vs State Of U.P. Another Hon’ble Amar Singh Chauhan,J. Heard Shri Ravindra Prakash Srivastav, learned counsel for the revisionists, learned Additional Government Advocate for the State, Shri Anoop Kumar Pandey, learned counsel…

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