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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Whether the court can allow the Compromise of a suit if the Compromise petition is signed by Advocates of parties and not by parties?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Civil Appeal No. 3698 of 1991 Decided On: 20.09.1991 Byram Pestonji Gariwala Vs. Union Bank of India Hon’ble Judges/Coram: T.K. Thommen and R.M. Sahai, JJ. Citation: (1992) 1 SCC 31) 1. Leave granted. 2. The appellant who is the…

Whether Court can refuse to set aside Exparte decree considering previous conduct of defendant?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH (GWALIOR BENCH) M.P. No. 1325 of 2019 Decided On: 11.03.2019 Guddi Bai Vs. Ramdas Hon’ble Judges/Coram: Gurpal Singh Ahluwalia, J. Citation: AIR 2019 (NOC) 779 MP 1. Shri Prakhar Dhengula, Advocate for petitioners. 2. This petition under Article…

Additional Evidence cannot be produced at Appellate Stage without fulfilling any of the conditions mentioned in Or.41 R 27

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO. 14055 OF 2015 (Arising out of S.L.P. (C) No. 7798 of 2015) Andisamy Chettiar … Appellant Versus Subburaj Chettiar …Respondent J U D G M E N T Prafulla C. Pant, J. This…

Whether Arbitrator can apply principles of Civil procedure code and Evidence Act to arbitration proceeding?


When application of final decree will be barred by limitation?

IN THE  HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS   Coram: The Hon’ble Mr.Justice N.SATHISHKUMAR Appeal Suit No.809 of 2010 and M.P.No.1 of 2010 L.K.Raju .. Appellant Versus S.N.Samiappan .. Respondent Appeal Suit filed under Section 96 of Civil Procedure Code, against the Fair and Final…

Landlord can enter and inspect tenanted premises?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY Writ Petition No. 7181 of 2008 Decided On: 04.12.2008 Empeegee Portfolio Services Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Sharada Navinchandra Shah Hon’ble Judges/Coram: Anoop V. Mohta, J. Citation:(2009) Bom Rent Cases 202 1. The petitioner-landlord’s challenge is restricted to portion of the impugned…

Recorded conversation on CD is admissible evidence

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY O.O.C.J. Notice of Motion No.8 of 2010 IN Suit No.16 of 2008 Mrs.Havovi Kersi Sethna … … Plaintiff v/s. Mr.Kersi Gustad Sethna … … Defendant Mr.Narayan Suvarna i/by Mrs.Ansuya Dutt for Plaintiff. Ms.Taubon F. Irani for Defendant….

No Maintenance – If women left job to claim it

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI RESERVED ON : 19.04.2012 PRONOUNCED ON: 14.05.2012 CRL.REV.P. 344/2011 DAMANREET KAUR ….. Petitioner Through: Mr.Sugam Puri, Advocate versus INDERMEET JUNEJA & ANR ….. Respondents Through: Mr.Shyam Moorjani with Mr.Taru Goomber, Mr.Pankaj Mendiratta and Mr. Gaurav Goswami,…

Determining legal cruelty in matrimonial law

IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY A.F.A.D. No. 480 of 1968 Decided On: 24.02.1969 Appellants: Narayan Ganesh Dastane Vs. Respondent: Sucheta Narayan Dastane Hon’ble Judges:Vaidya, J. Counsels:For Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff: S.B. Bhasme, Adv. For Respondents/Defendant: M.V. Paranjpe and N.D. Hombalkar, Advs. Subject: Family Catch Words: Acts/Rules/Orders:Hindu Marriage…

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