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Maintenance from the Date of the Application or From Date of the Order ?

The High Court Of Madhya Pradesh CRR-3542-2019 AMIT VERMA Vs SMT. SANGEETA VERMA AND OTHERS Jabalpur, Dated : 08-01-2020 Shri Paritosh Trivedi, learned counsel for the petitioner. Shri N.K.Shah, learned counsel for the respondents. This revision petition under Section 397/401 of Cr.P.C. has been preferred…

No Maintenance – If women left job to claim it

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI RESERVED ON : 19.04.2012 PRONOUNCED ON: 14.05.2012 CRL.REV.P. 344/2011 DAMANREET KAUR ….. Petitioner Through: Mr.Sugam Puri, Advocate versus INDERMEET JUNEJA & ANR ….. Respondents Through: Mr.Shyam Moorjani with Mr.Taru Goomber, Mr.Pankaj Mendiratta and Mr. Gaurav Goswami,…

Revision of maintenance pendente lite dismissed

IN THE HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH (INDORE BENCH) Civil Revn. No. 230 of 1988 Decided On: 31.10.1988 Appellants: Dashrath Yadav Vs. Respondent: Saroj Hon’ble Judges:S.K. Dubey, J. Counsels:For Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff: S.A. Mev, Adv.For Respondents/Defendant: Chandwarkar, Adv. Subject: Family Catch Words: Acts/Rules/Orders: Hindu Marriage Act, 1955…

SC : Take EMI Into Cosideration in Maintenance

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL No. 879 OF 2009 [Arising out of SLP(Crl.) No.7503 of 2008] BHUSHAN KUMAR MEEN….Appellant(s) Versus MANSI MEEN @ HARPREET KAUR…. Respondent(s) WITH SLP(Crl.)No.7924 of 2008 ORDER Leave is granted in SLP(C) No.7503 of 2008….

Maintenance claim based on Affidavit dismissed

IN THE COURT OF MS. SANTOSH SNEHI MANN ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE (CENTRAL) TIS HAZARI COURTS, DELHI Criminal Appeal No. 15/2010 Sh. Anshu Gupta S/o Late Sh. B. D. Gupta C/o Mohan Sharma R/o 51, West Guru Angad Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi – 110092. …… Appellant…

Claim of high status of husband not sufficient for interim maintenance

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Crl. M.C. No. 4066 of 2009 & Crl. M.A. No. 13807/2009 01.09.2010 AMIT KHANNA … Petitioner Through: Mr J.C. Mahindro, Advocate Versus PRIYANKA KHANNA & ORS. … Respondents Through: Respondent No. 1 in person Mr Sunil…

Challenging the rejected interim maintenance

Madhya Pradesh High Court Equivalent citations: I (1992) DMC 72 Bench: V Kokja Usha Baghel vs Dr. B.B. Singh on 29/8/1991 JUDGMENT V.S. Kokja, J. 1. This is an application filed by the wife and daughter of the non-applicant against him challenging the rejection of…

RTI – Chandigarh Police Circular – Prosecute u/s 182 for false complaints

Circular No: No:- 28471-91/UT/E-6, dated 26-09-07 CIRCULAR It has been observed that public complainants marked for enquiry to the DSP/SHO/Incharge PPs the enquiry is not conducted properly and aggrieved person is not given justice. The following steps be taken for conducting enquiry into complaints:- 1….


Section 125: Cr.P.C. Order for maintenance of wives, children and parents (1) If any person having sufficient means neglects or refuses to maintain, (a) his wife, unable to maintain herself to, (b) his legitimate or illegitimate minor child, whether married or not, unable to maintain…

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