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Wife’s entitlement to adduce necessary proof in support of her pleadings not to be grudged: Delhi HC

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Decided on:- 3rd October, 2018 CRL. M.C. 5014/2018 and Crl.M.A.33325/2018 DINESH KUMAR ….. Petitioner Through: Mr. Anip Sachthey, Advocate with Ms. Anjali Chauhan, & Ms. Ria Sachthey, Advocates versus RUCHI AHUJA ….. Respondent Through: CORAM:HON’BLE MR….

Conviction in a Dowry death case set aside for being based on ‘Inherently Contradictory Approach’

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Decided on:- 6th February, 2019 CRL.A. 734/2002 KIRTI ABROL ….. Appellant Through: Mr. R.D. Mehra, Advocate with Ms. Sweety Singh, Mr. Girish Chandra, & Ms. Archana Kumari, Advocates with appellant in person. versus STATE NCT OF…

Appeal opposite exculpation in Sections 304B, 498A dismissed

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Decision: 21st July, 2016 Crl. A No.438/2000 STATE ….. APPELLANT Through: Ms. Aashaa Tiwari, APP versus VINOD KUMAR & ANR. ….. RESPONDENTS Through: Ms. Inderjeet Sidhu, Amicus Curiae CORAM: HON’BLE MS. JUSTICE GITA MITTAL…

Sexual Crime, POSCO Act, Victim Compensation and Direction

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Reserved on: 24th August, 2016 Pronounced on: 9th December, 2016 CRL.A. 538/2016 GAYA PRASAD PAL @ MUKESH ….. Appellant Through: Mr. Sumeet Verma, Advocate Versus STATE ….. Respondent Through: Mr. Varun Goswami, APP for the State….

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