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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

SC : In Christian law there is no prohibition against adoption

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Civil Appeal Nos. 7207-7208/2008 Decided On: 02.07.2019 Pharez John Abraham Vs. Arul Jothi Sivasubramaniam K. Hon’ble Judges/Coram:L. Nageswara Rao and M.R. Shah, JJ. Citation: AIR 2019 SC 4235 1. Feeling aggrieved and dissatisfied with the impugned common judgment and…

Duty of court while deciding bail application of accused in serious offences

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION Criminal Appeal No. 1843 of 2019 @SLP (Crl.) No. 6339 of 2019 Mahipal …Appellant Versus Rajesh Kumar @ Polia & Anr. …Respondents WITH Criminal Appeal No. 1844 of 2019 @SLP (Crl.) No. 6340 of 2019 WITH…

Amicable settlement Section 498A IPC quashed with Section 482 Cr.P.C

Allahabad High Court A.F.R. Court No. – 70 Case :- APPLICATION U/S 482 No. – 27720 of 2019 Applicant :- Alok Jaiswal And Anr Opposite Party :- State Of U.P. And Anr Counsel for Applicant :- Manvendra Nath Singh Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.,Manish…

Amend law to Protect innocent men against misuse of Women Protection Laws

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATED: 13.08.2019 Coram : THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE S.VAIDYANATHAN W.P.15145 of 2019 and W.M.P.Nos.15129 and 15130 of 2019 Samuel Tennyson … Petitioner ~vs~ 1. The Principal & Secretary, Madras Christian College (Autonomous), Tambaram East, Chennai~600 059.India. 2. The…

SAMPLE – CrPC 239 Discharge in 498a- Application Format

IN THE IX METROPILITAN MAGISTRATE COURT,  xxxx, at yyyy.   No.             of  2010 In C.C No.  xxx  of  2008.   Between:   Accused (A1),                                                           … Applicant   And   1)     The Sate of A.P, Rep. by SHO, 2)     Complainant                                                       … Respondents   APPLATION FILED UNDER SECTION 239 OF Cr.P.C   The address for service of…

Personal Appearance can be dispensed with advocate in 125 CrPC

Kerala High Court Naushad vs Naseema Beevi Crl.M.C.No.1313 of 1990 Decided On, 15 December 1993 At, High Court of Kerala By, THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE K.T. THOMAS N. Haridas For Petitioner 1. A claim for maintenance for a two year old child ( Rasiya beevi…

No Domestic Violence No residence

IN THE HIGH COURT AT CALCUTTA CRIMINAL REVISIONAL JURISDICTION Appellate Side Present :THE HON’BLE JUSTICE SANKAR ACHARYYA C.R.R. No. 3104 of 2014 With CRAN 559 of 2015 In the matter of :Sri Abhijit Saha and Ors. Vs. Smt. Sangita Saha For the petitioners : Mr….

Mere Allegations Of Harassment Without Proximate Positive Action Not Sufficient For Conviction U/S 306 IPC

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION Criminal Appeal No. 93 of 2019 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No.8667 of 2016) RAJESH …. Appellant(s) Versus STATE OF HARYANA ….Respondent(s) JUDGMENT L. NAGESWARA RAO, J. Leave granted. 1. The Appellant was convicted under Section…

Acquitted in 498A/304B IPC

IN THE COURT OF SURINDER KUMAR SHARMA ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE – 05 EAST DISTRICT KARKARDOOMA COURTS:DELHI FIR No.: 139/07 PS : Mayur Vihar U/S. : 498A/304B IPC S. C. No. : 1618/16 STATE Vs. 1. Sumit Kumar Aggarwal S/o R.S. Aggarwal R/o 20 Nirman Apartment, Mayur…

Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment delivered on: 13.04.2015 WP(C) No. 8350/2014 CM 19345/2014 M/S CLEAR WATER ANR. …. Petitioners versus UNION OF INDIA ORS. ….. Respondents Advocates who seemed in this case: For a Petitioners : Mr Sumeer Sodhi with…

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