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Mere recovery of Stridhan U/S 498A, 406 IPC offences can’t be sole ground for arresting a Person

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of decision: 10th DECEMBER, 2021 IN THE MATTER OF: BAIL APPLN. 2029/2018 POORAN SINGH ….. Petitioner Through Mr. S. V. Rateria, Advocate. versus STATE OF DELHI ….. Respondent Through Mr. Amit Chadha, APP for the…

Fasle allegation/Case Cruelty, Desertion- Divorce Petition Allowed

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN BENCH AT JAIPUR D.B. Civil Miscellaneous Appeal No. 2845/2018 Neha Tyagi wife of Lieutenant Colonel Deepak Tyagi, Daughter of Shri Vinod Kumar Tyagi, Resident of House No. 4, Kalyan Nagar- II, Sita Bari, Tonk Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan) —-Appellant-Non Petitioner-Wife…

Divorce by Mutual Consent when wife has withdrawn her Consent for Divorce

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN AT JODHPUR JUDGMENT Anil Khatwani vs. Nistha Khatwani S.B.CIVIL MISC. APPEAL NO. 1250/2008 DATE OF JUDGMENT : 10th May, 2012. PRESENT HON’BLE DR.JUSTICE VINEET KOTHARI Dr.Sachin Acharya, for the appellant – husband. Mr. T.R.Singh Sodha, for the…

Amicable settlement Section 498A IPC quashed with Section 482 Cr.P.C

Allahabad High Court A.F.R. Court No. – 70 Case :- APPLICATION U/S 482 No. – 27720 of 2019 Applicant :- Alok Jaiswal And Anr Opposite Party :- State Of U.P. And Anr Counsel for Applicant :- Manvendra Nath Singh Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.,Manish…

SC explain delay in filling charge sheet and limitations of Section 473 Cr.P.C and Section 468 Cr.P.C

Supreme Court of India PETITIONER:ARUN VYAS & ANR. Vs. RESPONDENT:ANITA VYAS DATE OF JUDGMENT: 14/05/1999 BENCH:K.Venkataswami, Syed Shah Mohammed Quadri JUDGMENT: S.SHAH MOHAMMED QUADRI,J Leave is granted. This appeal is from the judgment and order of the High Court of Rajasthan at Jabalpur in S.B.Crl.Revision…

Maintenance based on actual earning, not on able-bodied

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Reserve: 25.7.2008 Date of Order: 18th September 2008 CM(M) No. 1790/2006 and CM No. 14635/2006 18.09.2008 Ritu Raj Kant … Petitioner Through: Mr. S.K.Tyagi, Advocate Versus Anita …Respondent Through: Mr.Usman Chaudhari, Advocate JUSTICE SHIV…

Sample Application to Exempt from Personal Presence or trial with Video Conferencing

IN THE COURT OF { name of judge} In the matter of:- STATE {Name of State} VERSUS {Husband’s name} & Anr./ Othrs. ..ACCUSED FIR NO. XX/ XXXX PS: {Name of Police Station} U/ S 498A/ 406/ {any other}/34 IPC APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF APPLICANTS XXXXXXXXXXX,…

498A be made Bailable and Compoundable

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL. R 462/2002 19.05.2003 DATE OF DECISION: May 19, 2003 Savitri Devi ………….Petitioner. Through Mr. H C Mittal,Adv. Versus Ramesh Chand and Ors. …………Respondents Through Mr. R P Bhardwaj, Adv. CORAM:- HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE J.D. KAPOOR…

No sufficient material u/s 498 A and 406 IPC dismissed

IN THE COURT OF SH. PULASTYA PRAMACHALA SPECIAL JUDGE (PC ACT) CBI : EAST DISTRICT KARKARDOOMA COURTS, DELHI Criminal Revision No. : 74/2017 Under Section : 498A/406/34 IPC FIR No. : 128/2012 PS : New Ashok Nagar CNR No. : DLET01-004260-2017 In the matter of…

Petition to club all cases into one

IN THE COURT OF { name of judge} In the matter of:- STATE {Name of State} VERSUS {Husband’s name} & Anr./ Othrs.                                                                 ..ACCUSED FIR NO. XX/ XXXX PS: {Name of Police Station} U/ S 498A/ 406/ {any other}/34 IPC   ALSO IN   {Husband’s Name}                           …

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