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Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Dr. Virendra Singh Chauhan vs State Of Uttarakhand on 19 September, 2023

Take notes as you read a judgment using our Virtual Legal Assistant and get email alerts whenever a new judgment matches your query (Query Alert Service). Try out our Premium Member services — Free for one month. IN THE HIGH COURT OF UTTARAKHAND AT NAINITAL…

x vs State Of Himachal Pradesh And … on 7 November, 2019

IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA CrMMO No. 654 of 2019 . Decided on: November 7, 2019 _ Rajesh and others ………Petitioners Versus State of Himachal Pradesh and another …Respondents _ Coram Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sandeep Sharma, Judge. Whether approved for reporting1?…

x vs State Of Himachal Pradesh on 12 June, 2019

INTHEHIGHCOURTOFHIMACHALPRADESH,SHIMLA. Cr.MP(M)No.968of2019 . Decidedon:12.6.2019 SimpleKumar………..Petitioner Versus StateofHimachalPradesh……….Respondent Coram: Hon’bleMr.JusticeSandeepSharma,Judge. Whetherapprovedforreporting?1 ForthePetitioner:Mr.VishwaBhushan,Advocate. FortheRespondent:Mr.AshwaniSharmaandMr.Sanjeev Sood,AdditionalAdvocateGenerals withMr.SunnyDhatwalia,Assistant rAdvocateGeneral. SandeepSharma,Judge(oral): BailpetitionernamelySimpleKumar,hasapproachedthis CourtintheinstantproceedingsfiledunderSection439ofCr.PC,praying thereinforgrantofregularbailinconnectionwithFIRNo.30/18dated 9.5.2018,underSection376ofIPCSection4ofPOCSOAct,registered, atSadarWomenPoliceStationatBhiuli,DistrictMandi,H.P. 2.Sequeltoorderdated27.5.2019,passedbythisCourt,Sub InspectorPawanKumar,WomenPoliceStation,Mandi,H.P.,hascome presentinCourtalongwithrecordofthecase.Mr.SanjeevSood,learned AdditionalAdvocateGeneral,hasalsoplacedonrecordstatusreport 1 Whetherthereportersofthelocalpapersmaybeallowedtoseethejudgment? 13/06/201922:00:54:::HCHP 2 preparedonthebasisoftheinvestigationcarriedoutbytheinvestigating agency.Recordperusedandreturned. . 3.Closescrutinyoftherecord/statusreportrevealsthaton 9.5.2018,complainant-prosecutrix(hereinafterreferredtoas”the prosecutrix”)gotherstatementrecordedunderSection154Cr.PC allegingthereinthatsheisstudyingin8thClassatGovernmentMiddle SchoolChhimbaBalahandinthemonthofJanuary,2018,(datenot known),whileshewasgoingtoherhomeafterschool,bailpetitioner forciblytookhertowardsthebushesandsexuallyassaultedheragainst herwishes.Asperprosecutrix,sheaftertwodaysoftheallegedincident informedherstepmotherwithregardtotheallegedincident,butshedid nottakeanyaction.On7.5.2018,whenshewastakentohospitalbyhis grandfatheronaccountofstomachache,ittranspiredthatsheis pregnant.Afterhavingdiscoveredaforesaidfactumofpregnancy, complainantgottheaforesaidstatementrecorded,onthebasisofwhich,…

x vs State Of H.P. And Ors on 6 March, 2019

IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA Cr.MMO No. 537 of 2018 . Date of Decision: 6.3.2019 Fateh Bahadur Thapa ………Petitioner Versus State of H.P. and Ors. …….Respondents Coram Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sandeep Sharma, Judge. Whether approved for reporting1? For the petitioner : Mr….

x vs State Of Himachal Pradesh on 3 July, 2018

IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA      Cr.MP(M) No. 804 of 2018 . Date of Decision No.03.7.2018  __ Shiv Kumar  Another                       …….. Petitioners Versus  State of Himachal Pradesh                        …..Respondent. __ Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sandeep Sharma, Judge. Whether approved for reporting? 1  Yes. For the petitioners:   Mr. Vijay Chaudhary, Advocate.               For the respondent: Mr.   S.C.Sharma   and   Dinesh   Thakur,  Additional   Advocate   Generals,   and   Mr.  Amit   Kumar   Dhumal,  …

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