MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

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Herbal Traditional Formulations

Traditional Formulations

Chandraprabha A traditional formula used to maintain healthy cholosterol levels and blood sugar levels, while supporting proper weight control. Also for those prone to frequent urination.

Goksuradi Gugglu is known for its rejuvenating action on the kidneys and prostate, helping to promote their healthy functioning. It also detoxifies the urinary system reducing susceptibility to infections and stone formation.

Hingvastak is traditionally used in supporting digestion, reducing abdominal distension and flatulence and in controlling candida. It balances vata and kapha.

Kaishore Gugglu is used to reduce pitta inflammations in joints and muscles which cause bursitis, tendonitis and arthritis. it helps to detox and cool the musculo-skeletal system, to restore comfortable movement of joints and muscles.

Shilagit is a rejuvenative known to promote strength and immunity in the urinary tract and a primary rejuvnative for the prostate.

Sitopaladi contains rock candy, banslochan, pippali, cardamom and cinnamon. It is traditionally used for relief of colds, congestion and bronchial conditions. It is taken in powder form to help break up congestion and soothe inflammed membranes.

Triphala contains amalaki, bibitaki and haritaki.It is said to promote normal appetite, good digestion, increase red blood cells and hemoglobin and aid in the removal of undesirable fat. It is a balanced formulation, good for all doshas and can be taken over extended periods of time to restore and maintain health.

Trikatu contains black pepper, ginger and pippali. It is used as a digestive tonic and to clear the body of toxic material. It clears excess kapha from the system.

Yograj Guggulu is said to be useful for reducing joint pain, reducing cholesterol and excess fat from the system. It clears toxins and excess vata from joints and muscles.

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