MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

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Home Remedy For Prostate Disorders

Holy basil is very effective in treating prostrate disorder. In summers, you can mix 1 tsp of holy basil juice with a tsp of yoghurt and consume it once in a day. In winters, mix 1 tsp of the juice with a tsp of honey.
An easy, yet effective way to treat prostrate would be to sit in a warm water tub for half an hour. This would help in reducing the swelling and also provide relief against pain.
Another easy remedy is to increase the intake of water. This would be an effective way to cure prostrate disorder.
Include a lot of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds in your diet. Avoid having starchy, sweet, spicy and seasoned foods. Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages should also be completely avoided.
Pumpkin seeds act beneficially in treating prostrate disorder. 50 grams of the seeds needs to taken every day, either in cooked food or in powdered form.
Mix 200 ml of spinach juice and 300 ml of carrot juice. Consume this mixture every morning.

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