MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

MyNation Home Remedies And Tips – Everyone should know

Libido Enhancer

Astralagus increases metabolism, provides energy and stamina to combat fatigue. It?s used for chronic fatigue syndrome. It is an overall body tonic that strengthens, stimulates and protects the immune system. This herb is antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It protects against the common cold, reduces water retention and lowers high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

Chasteberry Regulates the activity of the female sex hormones. There is evidence that suggest that the flowers contain the plant world equivalent of human testosterone, which would stimulate, rather than deter sexual desire. One of its folk uses is the treatment of impotence and infertility. It is also used for prostate enlargement, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, vaginal problems and yeast infection.

Damiana leaves have been used for many centuries as an aphrodisiac and to improve the sexual ability of the enfeebled and aged. It is good for female infertility. It irritates the urethra slightly, thereby producing increased sensitivity to the penis. It improves blood flow to the genitals, stimulates muscular contractions of the genital tract and takes oxygen to the genital area. It is used as an energy tonic and aphrodisiac. It is also used for sexual and hormonal irregularities. It strengthens the Central Nervous System and is useful for depression, anxiety and listlessness.

Fo-tii is used for nervous exhaustion, fatigue, heart disease, hardening of the arteries, to prevent blood clots, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammation, immune related problems & may prevent cancer. The Chinese used this herb for pre-maturing aging and preventing the hair from becoming grey. It is used to increase fertility and maintain strength and vigour

Ginger Improves blood circulation and is a stimulant. Ginger stimulates the body?s production of energy. It has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Several components have been isolated as they are antibiotic in nature and ward off colds. It is also used for low libido, depression & menstrual irregularities. It also counteracts inflammation

Gingko Recent evidence indicates that Gingko extract may be beneficial to the treatment of erectile dysfunction due to the lack of blood flow. The improvement of arterial inflow to erectile tissues without any change in blood pressure. It is used for menstrual irregularities, menstrual tension, oxygen deficiency to tissue, poor circulation, vascular disease, poor concentration, emotional fatigue, sexual dysfunction, vaginal disease & water retention.

Ginseng is known as a sexual rejuvenator and energy booster. It strengthens the reproductive system as well as the adrenal glands. It improves blood circulation and is useful for lack of energy caused by stress. It has the ability to move a person to their physical peak. Useful for male & female infertility, exhaustion, fatigue and stress. It sharpens performance and alertness. It is used for high blood pressure, to normalize blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. Its increases sperm formation and testosterone levels

Gotu Kolais used to strengthen and stimulate the Central Nervous System, boost energy, increase sex drive and improve memory. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory & antibacterial.

Saw Palmetto is a urinary antiseptic, strengthens and tones the male reproductive system, assists the thyroid in regulating sexual development.

Schizandra is used for fatigue, depression, stress and impotency. It is used as a general tonic that strengthens and tones the whole body. It improves sexual stamina, reflexes, fine coordination & blood pressure. Chinese women used this as a sexual enhancer and youth tonic. It is also used to suppress the appetite.

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