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Medicinal Values of Amruthballi

The stems and leaves of the Amrutha Balli, also known as Tinospora Cordifolia, are primarily used for medicinal purposes. The creeper is used in treating illnesses like jaundice and diabetes. It is easily available in the wild, thrives in warm and humid climate and grows round the year. “This plant is even used to treat cancer and liver disorders. It needs to be consumed for at least 21 days to feel the impact. Its leaves when eaten raw have the best effect as some medicinal qualities are lost in the process of cooking. But it has to be consumed as part of the daily diet to help boost a person’s immunity”

Tinospora Cordifolia is a large, climbing shrub. A deciduous unknown that grows to 1.0 meters (3.3 feet) high by 0.5 meters (1.65 feet) wide and prefers many types of soil ranging from acid to alkaline and partial to full sun with moderate moisture. This plant has hermaphrodite flowers.

BOTONICAL NAME : Tinospora cordifolia.
Also Known As: Amruthballi,Amruthvalli,Ambervel, Amrita, Gilo, Giloe, Giloya, Glunchanb, Guduchi, Gulvel, Gurcha, Heart-Leaved Moonseed, Heavenly Elixir, Indian Tinospora, Jetwatika, Moonseed, T. Cordifolia, TC, TCRE, TCRET, Tinospora, Tinosporia Cordifolus.
SANSKRIT NAME :Guduchi,Madhuparni,Amrita,Chinnaruha,Vatsadaani,Tantrika,Kundalini,Chakralakshanika
LOCAL NAMES of Glioy (in India)
Hindi Name :Giloya, Guduchi (Hindi)
Bengali Name :Gulancha/palo(Bengali),
Telugu Name :Tippaatigo (Telugu)
Tamil Name :Shindilakodi (Tamil)
Marathi Name :Gulavel (Marathi)
Guajarati Name :Galo (Gujarati)
Kannada Name :Amrita balli(kannada).
Malayalam Name:ambrithu
Panjabi Name :gilo

FAMILY : Menispermaceae
STRUCTURE : A big climber (glabrous).Climbs on large trees.
Stems :-Fleshy
Roots :-long thread like, aerial,arise from branches.
Bark Thin, greyish or creamy white in colour,When peeled fleshy stem is exposed.
Leaves :- Cordate(heart shaped), membranous,juicy.
Flowers :- Bloom during summer
Male flower :-Small,yellow or green coloured occur in clusters.
Female flower Occur singly.
Fruits :-Pea shaped,fleshy,shiny turn red when boiled.Occur in winter
Seeds :- curved,pea sized. Flowers and fruits . .

Amruthballi / Guduchi, also otherwise known as Tinospora cordifolia in the scientific world, is a huge climbing shrub which has been bestowed with a number of wonderful therapeutic values. This medicinal herb is a unique health rejuvenator which is widely known for its effectivity in enhancing natural immunity to fight against a number of health diseases.

Medicinal Benefits

A regular use of this herbal medication could be beneficial in a number of ways.

It is an efficient and widely prescribed natural immune booster and immune system supplement.
Amruthballi / Guduchi is also extremely useful in boosting up the function of the defensive white blood cells which are known as macrophages and improves our defensive system against various infections.
It is a natural diuretic agent which is quite helpful in getting rid of renal caliculi and also aids in the reduction of blood urea level.
Amruthballi / Guduchi prevents the proliferation of bacteria and blocks the augmentation of any factor that is working against the natural immune system.
This herb is also effective in alleviating fever, jaundice, skin diseases, constipation, tuberculosis, and leprosy.
It is a blood purifier and general debility enhancer.
Strengthen Immune System Supplements
Amruthballi / Guduchi is one of the best medications known to boost immune system. It helps to boost our natural resistance power to avert numerous infections and disorders. A recent study has revealed that this herb contains a novel polysaccharide, known as alpha-D-glucan which is found to be noncytotoxic to the white blood cells comprised of B cells which are mainly functioning in humoral immunity, and T cells which are mainly responsible for cellular immunity. The immunoprotective potential of Amruthballi / Guduchi is primarily attributed to this polysaccharide.

This amazing immunomodulator has been used as an excellent adjuvant medicine for the treatment of malarious abnormal enlargement of spleen or splenomegaly. A proper use of this herbal medication has shown significant improvement in the regression of spleen within six months of period. It also helps to increase hemoglobin level in our blood which is extremely essential to carry oxygen from lungs to body cells.

By using this herb you could strengthen your body against a number of malicious diseases and get them cured quickly. Amruthballi / Guduchi is quite useful for allergic rhinitis. A recent scientific study has revealed that a continuous use of this herbal medicine for 8 weeks has proven to be extremely effective for the patients who had been suffering from sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, and nasal pruritus. Amruthballi / Guduchi also effectively reduced the eosinophil and neutrophil count, and totally removed the goblet cells from the nasal smear.

Amruthballi / Guduchi is quite useful as an adjuvant for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetes mellitus being a secondary immunodeficiency disorder, many patients of chronic diabetes often suffer from deficient growth factors and cellular immunity. Consume amrutha balli 1 leaf a day for diabetic

Amruthballi / Guduchi improves the phagocytic function of immunomodulated cells which create a healing environment in an otherwise incurable wound. This also aids a number of prohealing procedures which are mainly activation of growth factor, development of blood vessels, and tissue formation. All of these processes otherwise remain inactive in chronic wounds.

It is immensely helpful in building up natural protection against various diseases. It is often used to fight against general debility, dyspepsia, and some other gastrointestinal diseases. This herbal medication is stomachic and diuretic in nature which effectively stimulates the secretion of bile juice, relieves thirst, burning sensation, vomiting tendencies, and jaundice. This herb is traditionally used to cure chronic fever, getting relief from burning sensation, increase energy and appetite. It is an excellent choice of drug for gout and other rheumatic disorders.

Benefits of Amruthballi / Guduchi

Amruthballi / Guduchi or Amrita carries anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. This herb has been used in Ayurvedic rasayanas since centuries which is very helpful in building up the immune system and the body’s confrontation against definite infecting organisms. In a scientific study conducted using human WBC (white blood corpuscles), the Ayurvedic herb helps in increasing the killing ability of macrophages, the resistant cells those are accountable for fighting foreign materials as well as microorganisms

There are many uses of Tinospora cordifolia. The stem is used in conditions like generalized weakness , dyspepsia, pyrexias of unknown origin (fevers), swine flu and many urinary tract infections. The bitter properties present in the drug show antiperiodic and antispasmodic properties which is again helpful in preventing swine flu.

It is also used as an immune-modulator in immune-suppression of certain ailments like as obstructive jaundice, hepatic fibrosis, peritonitis and sepsis. The Tinospora or Amruthballi / Guduchi or amrita has been exposed very effective in preventing fibrous changes and promoting regeneration of the liver against CCl4 induced hepatic toxicity.

This wonderful Ayurvedic herb helps in raising the efficiency of protective WBC (white blood cells) and builds up the body’s own protection mechanism known as immune system.

Amruthballi / Guduchi will also improve the functioning of protective cells, macrophages and will improve body’s resistance to infections. Guduchi or amrita is a very good and helpful diuretic agent that helps removing renal stones and reducing blood urea from the blood. Tinospora or Amrita can inhibit growth of microorganisms and can develop immunity naturally. Tinospora has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, and anti-allergic actions.

Some of the health experts and Ayurvedic doctors also prescribe Tinospora or Amruthballi / Guduchi for some sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea. The herb is useful in treating various skin diseases and in some cases, hyperacidity too.

Medicinal uses of different parts of Tinospora Cordifolia- Different constituents of the plant have their own medicinal properties but they are similar in taste (bitter). It’s leaves are rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus. Scientists have found alkaloid, tinosporin, tinosporic acid and tinosporol, cordifol, heptacosanol and octacosonal in the leaves. Like other parts, it`s stem is also bitter and is stomachic, diuretic. It is also a good stimulator of bile secretion. Besides, it allays thirsts, burning sensation, enriches the blood and cures Jaundice. Skin diseases are also cured with the extracts of T.Cordifolia`s stem. Not only this, in case of snake bite and scorpion sting, the root and stem of T. Cordifolia are prescribed as antidotes in combination with other herbals. Bark of Cordifolia has also significant medicinal value as it has anti- allergic, anti-leprotic, anti- pyretic, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. The root of this plant is known for it`s anti-leprotic, anti- malarial and anti- stress properties. It’s anti-stress property has been proved after the clinical test done by the scientists. They found that the herb can improve the I.Q level significantly and works well in the case of moderate degree of behavior disorders and mental deficit.

In Aurvedic system of medicine Tinospora Cordifolia or Guduchi is referred as one of the most versatile rejuvenating herbs. The Hindi name of the plant is Giloya, a Hindu mythological term that cites to heavenly elixir used by Celestial beings to stay off the aging and to stay young forever. The Sanskrit name Guduchi explicitly means the one, who protect the body from all type of illness. Due to it`s nature, it possesses various synonyms like Tikta (bitter), Rasayan (rejuvenating herb), Vayastha (promotes longevity), Jvaranasi (febrifuge) etc. In various Aurvedic texts, famous cotemporary physicians have vehemently mentioned it`s medicinal properties and adorned it with various names on the basis of it`s healing power. According to Maharsi Charaka Guduchi is Vayah Sthapana (promoting longevity), Stanya Sodhana (relieving from burning sensation of the skin), Medhya (nerve tonic), Traptighana (anti saturator). Susutra has cited it`s importance as Sukra- Sodhana (the sperm purifier), where as Sarangdhar has mentioned Guduchi as Rasayana- a rejuvenator and Samsamana- pacifier. Aurvedic texts also mention Guduchi as Gandmala Nasaka (alleviating glandular swellings), Amavatghna (curing gout), Jvaraghna (antipyretic).

Extract of Guduchi used in combination with other herbs- In combination with turmeric it`s extracts are effectively used in preventing the hepatotoxity, which is produced as a side effect of drugs ionized and rifampicin. These drugs are frequently used in the conventional pharmaceutical treatment for tuberculosis. It protects lever from damage that may occur due to the exposure of toxins. Scientists have also found Tinospora effective in decreasing tissue damage that occurs essentially as the side effect of some chemotherapy. Juice extracted from Guduchi works well in urinary problems when combined with Amalaki and Haridra. It`s juice acts synergistically in Leucorrhea when given with cow’s milk. In burning sensation due to Pitta it`s juice is very effective in combination with cumin seeds. The extract of Guduchi and Sunthi is very effective combination for the treatment of gout and rheumatic disorder. Different components extracted from it’s root, stem and leaves are also used for medicinal purpose externally, particularly in itching and oozing. The medicated oil of Guduchi reduces the pain and swelling in gout and skin diseases. However it has not showed any side effect and toxicity so far, it is mentioned in Aurvedic literature that it can cause constipation, if taken regularly in high doses.

TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA Uses and Effectiveness

Possibly Effective for:Allergies (Hayfever).

Insufficient Evidence for: Diabetes, high cholesterol, upset stomach, gout, cancer including lymphoma, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, stomach ulcer, fever, gonorrhea, syphilis, and to counteract a suppressed immune system.

TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA Side Effects and Safety
Tinospora cordifolia seems to be safe when used short-term. The safety of long-term use, more than 8 weeks, is not known.

Tinospora cordifolia might affect blood sugar levels. Use it cautiously if you have diabetes.

Do not take Tinospora cordifolia if:

You are pregnant or breast-feeding
You have an immune system disorder such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other immune system conditions called “autoimmune disease.”
You are scheduled for surgery in the next two weeks.

Be cautious with this combination of Medications for diabetes (Antidiabetes drugs) interacts with TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA

Tinospora cordifolia might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking Tinospora cordifolia along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. The dose of your diabetes medication might need to be changed.Some medications used for diabetes include glimepiride (Amaryl), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), rosiglitazone (Avandia), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), glipizide (Glucotrol), tolbutamide (Orinase), and others.

Medications that decrease the immune system (Immunosuppressants) interacts with TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA

Tinospora cordifolia might increase the immune system. Taking it along with some medications that decrease the immune system might decrease the effectiveness of these medications.Some medications that decrease the immune system include azathioprine (Imuran), basiliximab (Simulect), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), daclizumab (Zenapax), muromonab-CD3 (OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3), mycophenolate (CellCept), tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf), sirolimus (Rapamune), prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone), corticosteroids (glucocorticoids), and others.

The following doses have been studied in scientific research:
BY MOUTH:For allergic rhinitis (hayfever): 300 mg of a specific Tinospora cordifolia aqueous stem extract (Tinofend, Verdure Sciences) three times daily for 8 weeks.

People with allergic rhinitis (hayfever) were given either tinospora or placebo for 8 weeks. According to the investigators, use of tinospora significantly decreased every measured symptom of allergic rhinitis in the majority of participants; in comparison, use of placebo provided almost no benefit at all. These results may sound promising, but they are in fact so excessively dramatic as to raise doubts about the study’s overall validity. It is unusual for so few benefits to be seen in the placebo group of a study on a treatment for allergic rhinitis, and it is nearly as unusual for almost universal benefits to be reported in the treatment group. Independent confirmation will be required to overcome the skepticism raised by these apparently “too good to be true” findings.

Besides anti-allergy effects, weak evidence hints that tinospora may have anti-cancer, immune stimulating, nerve cell protecting,anti-diabetic,cholesterol-lowering,and liver-protective actions. Tinospora has also shown some promise for decreasing the tissue damage caused by radiation , the side effects of some forms of chemotherapy, and speeding healing of diabetic foot ulcers. However, all these findings are far too preliminary to be relied upon.

17 thoughts on “Medicinal Values of Amruthballi

  1. sir i am suffering from arthirtis , can take amruthaballi is it beneficial for me

  2. Dear sir,
    one year back my wife,had admitted to SGPGI lucknow for GB syndrome and was on ventilator for 2.5 months.She is improving& she is not on medication since 8 months.She is taking one AmruthaBalli leave every day since a month. How long can it be used. Is there any problem if used for long time pl confirm

    // Are you talking about Guillain-Barre Syndrome ? (GB syndrome)

    The illness results from inflammation and destruction of myelin (the fatty material, composed of lipid and protein that forms a protective sheath around some types of nerve fiber) similar to that seen in multiple sclerosis. The main difference, however, is that multiple sclerosis attacks the central nervous system, whereas in the Guillain-Barre syndrome, it is the peripheral nerves that are affected. The nerve damage is thought to be the result of an abnormal immune reaction directed against the myelin of the peripheral nervous system. Another difference is that Guillain-Barre syndrome does not recur except in rare instances.

    Who prescribed Amritha balli for this, This is not complete cure for any illness as there is no valid study of its cure than some Indian Text suggest it.

  3. i am having diabetes i consumed amrutha balli root which as climbed on neem tree i took for several years my blood sugars r well controlled with this medication but unfortunately i took anti diabetic medicines along with this my sugars r not getting controlled since 3 years instead my hb% drop down eosinophil count rised and at last i developed pitutory adenoma and same thing happen with my aunt who took this route but i came to know about this medicine from someone who took this medication he is cured of diabetes but he did not take anti diabetic medications he is totally cured and he is taking sweets as normal person but where as we r suffering major health problem we visited to many endocrinologist bot there is no solution to our problem please suggest us to improve our healyh to lead a normal life i think this amrutha balli root as spoiled our health we spent so thousands of rupees in controlling diabetes but not english medicines r stopped workig on our body is there any antidote to the amrutha balli root please suggest us r we r going to die i am writing with very pain please please make us to survey reply us thank u my e mail id

  4. I am diagnosed with hypothyroidism from the last 2 years. Might be autoimmune form of hypothyroidism. Is it advisable to take amruthaballi leavdes on a daily basis and if so how many a day

    // Read this


  6. I am suffering from diabetic from last three years.
    My blood sugar level are
    Empty stomach: 110 After food: 180.
    Now i am not taking any medicine for diabetis, occassionaly i take madhunashini tablet(patanjali trust).
    One of my friend has suggested to take 2 leaves of amruthaballi daily.
    I want to know the dosage and suggestions from you people.
    please kindly send your reply.
    your sincerely

  7. My mother suffers from Diabetes and Low BP. She started taking 2 Amruthballi leaves per day in July 2011. Her Insulin dosage has dropped from 24/24 units per day to 14/14 units by October 2011. Her BP has been normal and puss cells have also dropped. Since then she has reduced her intake to one leaf per day.

  8. How does Amruthballi helps in treating cough?
    if it helps , please let’s know the availability & utilization.

  9. If we use 2 leaves of Amruthballi Leaves Morning & Evening is it helpful for us to control diabetes or if one spoon of amruthballi stem powder morning & evening is it helpful for us to control diabetes.
    And i am walking regularly one hour in the morning is it enough for to control diabetes along with the amruthballi.
    I want know no that whether we can take continosuly amruthballi leaves & stemp powder after six months also is any side effect may occurs to me.

    Reply immeditely

    Thanking you,


  10. it is not proved scientifically so far that it will control diabetes.
    control is in your food then use alternative medicines.

    Insulin plant will reduce blood sugar [ ]
    and read all other related topics under above link

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    hope you will find cure instead control it.
    let us know.

  11. Dear Sir,

    I have not so far received your reply for my question. Kindly send me your favourable reply as early as possible to my email.


  12. i have started taking amritaballi 3 leaves a day. will it help in controlling blood sugar. should we take english medicine along with it or stop it . pls advise.

  13. Please advice whether we have to take amruthballi leaves along with English medicine or not

  14. For which Problem ? if you take both you never know which gives result. try any one which you feel gives some result and continue only that, Any medicine if you follow regularly, then only it gives better result.

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