MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

MyNation Home Remedies And Tips – Everyone should know

Natural skin care ingredients

Turmeric powder
Take a little turmeric powder on your palm and add few drops of milk. Rub this mixture at-least once in a week on your facial skin. This habit is good for getting clear skin. If you drink a glass of milk daily, add a pinch of turmeric powder in it. Such practise will help to get a natural glow on face and a healthy skin.

Cucumber slices
Keep cucumber slices on your eyes regularly to get rid of dark circles. Placing cucumber on eyes will also sooth them and make them feel fresh. It will help to reduce itchiness and dryness of eyes.

Cucumber and lemon juice
Prepare a solution of cucumber and lemon juice. Rubbing this solution on the skin will help to reduce dark spots and marks.

Honey and lemon juice
Add few drops of lemon juice to honey. Apply this mixture on your facial skin. This pack will act as natural skin bleach.

Applying curd on face helps to get soft and smooth skin. It also acts a good moisturizer and good for dry skin. If curd is mixed with henna powder and applied to hair, it acts as a good hair conditioner.

Gram flour (Besan)
Mix gram peas flour with milk and a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply this paste on your face. Let it stay till it dries and then wash your face with water. This remedy will help you if your skin is very oily. This mixture helps to get oil free and smooth skin. This mixture can also be used as substitute for soap to be applied while taking bath.

Neem leaves
Using neem leaves is the best remedy for skin problems. Put some neem leaves in the water which you take bath with regularly. This remedy helps to deal with the problems like skin infection, pimples etc;

Tomato juice
Tomato juice is a good remedy for skin cleansing. Apply it at-least once in a month or three weeks for best results. If you want to get glowing skin, mix tomato juice with curd or honey and apply it on your face. Leave this pack on your face for 10 to 15 minutes and wash your face with water. Tomato juice remedies help to deal with oily skin and blackheads

Papaya slices
Papaya slices or papaya pulp if rubbed or applied on the facial skin act as a good face pack. It helps to deal with the symptoms of ageing.

Almond oil
Almond oil massaged on skin helps to reduces dryness. It helps to bring natural lustre on the skin. Almond oil can be used for skin care during winters when excessive dryness in skin can be observed.

Jojoba oil
Few drops of jojoba oil massaged regularly on facial skin can work as a good moisturiser and helps to deal with acne and wrinkles. It can be used efficiently as makeup remover or hair conditioner.

Milk is good for health as well as can be used for removing skin tanning. Milk is one of the good skin cleansers and helps to deal with skin irritation.

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