MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

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Natural treatments for Migraine

Migraine can be described as a neurological condition, which has recurrent headaches as its characteristic symptom. A typical migraine headache is one-sided and pulsating in nature, which can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours, at a time. Other symptoms associated with this problem include nausea, vomiting, photophobia (increased sensitivity to bright light) and hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to sound). Though most of the people are not aware of this fact, it is possible to cure migraine with home remedies as well. In fact, in the following lines, we have listed the best natural treatments for migraine, just for you!

Natural Remedies for Migraine Relief

Essential Oils
You can make use of essential oils for getting relief from the intense headache experienced during migraine attacks. For the purpose, put a few drops of peppermint, sandalwood, lavender or eucalyptus oil in a cup of warm water. Dip a cloth in this solution and place on the forehead.

Acupressure has proved to be one of the best natural cures for treating migraine. However, to make use of this remedy, you will first have to visit an acupressure professional and learn the right pressure points, to be pressed when the migraine attack strikes.

Massage can help treat a lot of pains in the body and that includes the headache resulting from migraine. You can make use of ayurvedic massage oils for the purpose. Massaging the forehead with these oils will not only alleviate headache, but also help your rejuvenate your senses.

There are a number of juices that have proved to be effective in treating migraine, the most popular of which are spinach juice, beet juice and cucumber juice. Mix all of them in equal quantities and consume as a whole, once in a day. You will get relief soon.

Cabbage Leaf Compress
In order to prepare a cabbage leaf compress, you need to crush a few leaves of the vegetable. Now, place the crushed leaves in a cloth and tie it around your forehead, just before going to bed. Keep the compress on your forehead overnight and get relief from the headache.

Garlic, mainly because of its detoxifying properties, has been known to be quite effective in bringing relief from migraine. If you can, consume a few pods of raw garlic on an everyday basis. Yet another option would be include it in the dishes that you prepare and consume daily.

Rather than lemon per se, its crust has been proven to be quite helpful in treating migraine headaches. All you have to do is grind the lemon crush, along with some water, to form a thick paste. Apply this paste on your forehead and find the headache alleviating soon.

Owing to its cooling properties, sandalwood has been used for the purpose of treating migraine, since ages. Make a paste of freshly ground sandalwood and apply it on your forehead. After the paste dries completely, rub it off and then rinse off with cold water.

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