MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

MyNation Home Remedies And Tips – Everyone should know

Super Foods for Every Woman

Everyone wants to live a healthy and a long life. But have you ever wondered about the role played by super foods in our health and fitness? Eating the following super foods in our daily diet, we can look forward to living a disease-free, happier life.

1. Low Fat Yoghurt
The first in the list of super foods by nutrition experts is the good old low fat yoghurt. Nutritionists assert that yoghurt helps in aiding digestion, thus decreasing digestive illnesses so common in the modern day living.

Moreover, if consumed regularly, yoghurt also helps in cutting the risk of breast cancer, and prevents vaginal infections and irritable bowel syndrome in women. It is also a rich source of calcium.

2. Berry
Another excellent super food recommended by health experts for women is berry. Regarded as a gift of nature, this wonder fruit is full of antioxidants. A good source of vitamin C and folic acid, it is known to have anti-cancer nutrients.

Eating berry not only helps ward off the effects of aging but also helps treat many other diseases. Whether you have it in your breakfast or as a mid-day snack, it’s a must-have for every woman.

3. Beans
Nutritionist regard beans as one of the healthiest foods for every woman. Being low in fat and rich in fiber as well as proteins, beans prevent the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease in women.

Beans also help to lower cholesterol and help women suffering from menopause problems. They are a good source of folic acid needed by pregnant women.

4. Vitamin D Low Fat Milk
Vitamin D low fat milk helps in absorption of calcium by the bones. Every woman must include vitamin D in her daily diet to reduce the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D also helps to ward off the risk of a number of cancers in women, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer.

5. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, namely docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Consuming fatty fish prevents ailments like cardiovascular disease, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, inflammation, and even Alzheimer’s disease, claim the health experts.

6. Tomatoes
Being rich in lycopene, tomatoes help women retain their youthful looks for a long time by providing a shield against the damaging UV rays of the sun. Every woman must include these fruits in her daily quota of diet for a healthy and youthful skin.

Apart from tomatoes, lycopene is present in red navel oranges, red grapefruit and watermelon, which help to considerably reduce the risk of breast cancer and heart ailment in women.

So there you have it; super foods for today’s hard-working women, including house-wives. Get your fill and gear-up.
The Sources of Super Foods and Their Daily Intake

can be enjoyed at any time either with regular meals or as a snack between the meals.
Recommended serving – 3-5 servings a week

Berries include strawberries, cranberries or blueberries.
Recommended serving 3-4 servings a week

Beans include soyabeans, mung beans, black cohosh, chickpeas, kudzu, red clover and alfalfa sprouts, all of which contain the nutrient isoflavone.
Recommended serving 3 to 4 servings a week

Vitamin D can be found in sardines, salmon and mackerel apart from milk.
Recommended serving 400 IUs of vitamin D every day

Fatty fish including salmon, mackerel and sardines are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Recommended serving 2 to 3 servings a week

Tomatoes and fruits including red navel oranges, watermelon and red grapefruit are a good source of lycopene nutrient, which is a must-include super nutrient for women.

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