AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

26th January 2013

As Planed and as per HOC order i went to India on 26th January 2013.
As i Court Ordered i kept Rs.1 Million FD and deposited passport with police and took Acknowledgement.
on 26th Morning i went to her Village Police Station and Showed court order, SI. said if any disturbance come and report, so i went to her home at 10.30 sharp.
As they knew i am coming, they gathered some of their relatives out side on the veranda. House windows were closed may be Glenn was locked up inside.
As i entered the gate,Old man, Father out law came down and stoped me at Gate.
and asked stammering “What i want ?”
i said, Where is Glenn ?
Give me your Passport deposited copy. he said
Whatever you wanted take it from court, i have no order to give anything to you than taking Glenn.
Give me in writing he said.
I said, If you are not giving glenn, i will go back, i did not came here to argue.
We want guarantee.
Court already gave guarantee i said.
Ok i will ask our Lawyer, wait and he went inside.
Old man went inside and took almost 10 minutes to come out, i saw him sitting and laughing when i was waiting in Sun.
He came out and said, I will hand over Glenn In front of Police, give there in writing.
I will not give anything in writing, if you are not giving i will report this to Police.
I Switch Off my spy camera which was recording all the Conversation as a Proof they denied to Give Glenn.
Ok he said and started walk towards Police station.
I took my car and went to Police station
As i already met Police earlier they knew me, i told SI he is no Following court order.
Old man said i want in Writing.
Its a Family Matter and you have Court Order, Follow as Ordered, we will not interfere in this.
I got up, and said, now its 11AM, still he did gave me my Son, and You will be Witness.
SI was looking at me Blindly. and said, its a Court matter we will not be Witness.
I took my car and returned back.
I called me Lawyer and told what had happened.
He immediately called her lawyer and told we are filling Contempt Of court, as we have Video Proof.

Panicked Old man sent SMS to my Lawyer

SMS TEXT “Dear Sir, As per the court order on we are still waiting for Mr.Rudolf dsouza to come and take Glenn shannon. Rudolph dsouza did not came to take him, we are ready to send Glenn but he has not came. From MR.J and Ms.D.S dsa.

for their SMS my lawyer replied “I heard what happened and intimated the harassment caused to him from your end. He was made to wait for 45 mins and then ensued argument. We have reported the same to the Hon’ble Judge of the High court and as a last chance he will be visiting your house tomorrow at 10.30am. if you send him fine. Lest we will move the Hon’ble Court again. You need not contact me again and let the Hon’ble Court decide on this. I know you have sent this message to overcome the possible strictures of the Hon’ble High court. My client has came down from abroad only to see and be with his son and if you say he has not come after Mr.Dsa having questioned my Client to show the ack for depositing Passport and he having been taken to the Police station to know on this. STOP lying at least when the Hon’ble Courts directions order passed in the presence of everyone is to be complied. If you have enough money and strength to fight unnecessarily to satisfy your ego you are free to do and we have no objections. Good Day.

Immedietly another reply came from them

SMS TEXT “Dear sir, we were happy to send him today also with all due respect to all concerned.we are ready to send glenn tomorrow at 10.30am. Thank you.

My Lawyer called me, now they opened their house windows and allow Glenn to go, at that time i was already reached back my home.

Anyway i told my lawyer prepare for Civil Contempt of Court and reverse the order.
As well as Damage and my Travle expeses from Gulf and to Bangalore. etc.

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