AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism


For last 10 years, I met, talk and read about all the men and his family who were Terrorized by False 498a, I was trying to find out,

What went wrong ?
Why they are Charged with 498A or any other Gender biased cases like domestic Violence etc.

For my surprise, I found total different view than what NCW / WCD provide to media, government and international bodies who fund them with billions of Dollars.

These Legal Terrorists filled false case on these innocent men and his families not because they demanded dowry but because of …..

1st Place goes to

Infidelity, extra marital Affair or girl is not happy with the man she married as she wanted to marry someone else but her Parents forced her to marry other man. so easy method is to file false case and tell sob story of harassment and dowry demand.

2ndly – Ego of Girl and her Family and they wanted teach a lesson to Boy and his Family or they want to show their money power or capacity to boy if he is not doing (dancing) as they says.

3rd – Girl Failed to control her man, Laziness and is not ready to take responsibility of any house hold things, as she thought when she marry, her husband will pay all her bills and get Green bills to spend lavishly and her Mother in law will cook and clean for her, but her dream never came true so no option left than file case on husband family.

4th – one, there is no punishment if women file any such case on husband family and these girls are aware of this.

5th – Many of our members found no hope in fighting false case, as judiciary is totally against them, and these legal struggle and harassment will continue for decades and same enlightened to girl side also as both sides are not ready to give up so without any hope both decided to out of court settlement with some money, When boy decided to fight back for years girl side knows it is she lose everything in life so they also agree with mutual understanding. so here again it shows if girl was harassed for dowry why she is not able to prove it and ready for out of court settlement…? it shows she did it for money, when she got the money there is no dowry harassment…..!…?

so you are the Judge, it is not about dowry harassment at all, it’s easy tool to make some money when marriage fails.

6th – Girl side knows about law very well, when girl want to break the marriage and if file for Divorce, there is no support

to prove her claim, and without reason she can’t ask Divorce and she will not get any maintenance, for a Boy it will take Decades to prove he is innocent and before that she will get Divorce based on this False case, as 498A says GUILTY TILL PROVEN INNOCENT. After Divorce if case fails then she is not bothered as she already made her way out with Divorce and Maintenance, that’s what she wanted and she achieved it with this false case.

7th – Girl side also know, there is no punishment for filling false case, even its there in 498A IPC, giving dowry also crime, but no judge is ready to listen and no girl is punished for giving Dowry, so they openly says they gave dowry, with different meaning saying Boy demanded , so they gave.


Out of thousands of members of MyNation group so far for last 10 years I have not heard anyone charged with 498a,but many cases dismissed / discharged, and others cases running for years, including mine for last 10 years and she has not came to court for single day, that she herself proved its as False case so conviction rate under 498A is 0%

Now you know the truth.

You can comment if you are a Victim other than above said reasons, or you can post your details Even if you are fall victim with these reasons.

Let world know why you are Victim of TERRORISM of Indian Judiciary and Law.

3 thoughts on “LEGAL TERRORISM – Reasons

  1. Greed of Money :

    A highly educated guy is believed to be so capable that he can buy lots of properties to share with his wife and can maintain his wife irrespective of the fact whether his wife has fulfilled a single duty towards the marriage or stayed with him for even a month. This fact makes some greedy women marry for money and keep asking for free money without having to work throughout her life. The Terrorism becomes easier to practice when the greedy woman is also LLB by qualification because she may not be considered “capable of earning” but she is completely capable of misusing law and terrorize the husband and his family to the extent that they are driven to suicide. If they wish to fight back and prove their innocence, there are provisions of long drawn litigations which desiccate them of all left over hopes, money and faith in truth.

    The only necessary and sufficient proof which enables her and empowers her to do all these brutal acts against the husband and his family is “Saat Phera”. I wish we knew that marriage of a brother/ son was a crime, we would have avoided this only crime committed by us in our entire life.

  2. Your finding are 100% true. In my case my Father-in-Law, mother-in-law and my wife only filed cases only to teach leason to me. I belongs to middel class family having army background on experience of civil life. This experience was totally new to me but I don’t beand my knees before them, they use all the statiges, they have good political links, good approch in police and are financially sound. Due to this dispute I lost my job also but not lost my confidence and courage.

  3. Wife is blackmailing me through IO, CAW cell to lodge cases of domestic violence and holding of her false stridhan items falsely otherwise she is saying to give in writing to go on a rented house or pay lakhs of Rupees to her for settlement. What should I do ? She is earning more than me in Govt service & sitting her house for months went in my absence

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