AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

They beat me – Video

One day visitation was small step today towards giant leap tomorrow. They never know, what I am up to. it was just a hint to them as what I can do.

Anyway after reading previous post about Visitation on Price, [ ] one reader sent mail asking why I did not went to meet my son, Even after court permitted or I can say I am legally Authorized and they held him on ransom as they do not have any order from court nor they can file one as on same issue there is one already that’s mine.

Now answer to the question why I did not went to meet him…..

There was a reason for that, but that’s secondary.

but I wanted same question to be asked by Judge next time, coz I am sure they will ask their lawyer to tell this.

then I have answer for that.

I will tell the judge I do not want to see my son was beaten by them, as when I went to meet him in school, he said they beat and threaten him if he talk to me next time. so he was so afraid to talk when I went to see 2nd or third time to his school, so after that I stopped going, not because I wanted that but because of my fancy and satisfaction he will get hurt.

I have recorded video he is saying “Grandmother beat me if I talk to you” and no one can deny that he did not told that nor they can say they did not beat. only they can do is, ask him, to tell judge or anyone his grandmother did not beat him.
They Beat me – Says Glenn shannon Dsouza – 2nd half of Video Link
This is just to show that i have the video.

I am sure they will threaten him and force him to say, they did not beat.


that’s it.

Now I can prove, not only one thing but two.

With Video, I can prove, they beat him.

now if he change his mind on their threats, they brain washed him to say, they did not beat.

There are Supreme court Judgments Against mother who instigate her children against their Father.

not only this, I openly write my future steps on my biography even I know she (Ex) comes here and read my every post.

I just wanted to give her a message.


2 thoughts on “They beat me – Video

  1. Well done! Hope you win. Just cannot understand why asinine laws are framed. WHY GENERALIZE that every woman is abused and MEN are not?! This is my only question. I hope this NGO takes this question seriously and file a PIL to that effect. Cheers…..

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