AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Advice to my 498A Brothers

Many asked so many times; How I over come this false 498A and cope with all Problems.

Here is my simple Advice to all my 498A Brothers.

DO NOT PANIC, when you are hit by false 498a, if you were not taken any dowry or demanded.

If you handle carefully, she will be trapped in her own ill Plan.

If you were staying with her separate, without  your parents or anyone else, Rearrange whole house, remove all things, whatever, which remind about her.

If she has not taken her things, ask Police to tell her to take her things, and Give this in writing to them.

If she is taking her things, ask her list of the things she took.

If others are accused, get bail for them and for yourself.

Never compromise or agree to her demands.

Never settle out of court.

Find better criminal Lawyer, talk about his fees than Case. do not give him all money in Advance, some lawyer take money on every memo or appeal they file, tell him clearly, half to take case, rest after completion of case. let him file 1000 memos. Pay him by cheque.

If she wrote that she spent so much money on marriage File RTI to get her Fathers financial details, if she shows huge amount spent on marriage.

Find loop holes and false statements she made so you can file counter case on her.

File a RTI with court as well as with Police to give you details Evidence they Provided in support of thier claim in FIR from Evidence file.

If she filed case on you at her Place where you never stayed together then use this Judgment to transfer case.

Read About IPC section here so you will know in-depth knowledge of what they are taking about.

See the Judgment – Section 498A. Explained

and you can file Counter based on this article –

If you are going for Divorce then Read this Judgment – Divorce on the grounds of cruelty to husband –

There are many other useful documents / Judgments are on search for relevant articles.

It’s your case, do study all this, and as per your knowledge advice your lawyer what to do, do not just node for whatever he says.

You know your situation better than anyone else.

and do not sit at home thinking about case and her. Move on, enjoy life. It will take time, but be prepared for anything than compromise.

and my personal advice is, you will get better food outside for less, and enjoy newly found FREEDOM.

Everyone situation is Different than mine, so if you find difficult to understand all this you can write to us here – Rest assured.

7 thoughts on “Advice to my 498A Brothers

  1. The Guidance to new Victims is excelent. I was looking for a checklist of initial actions to be taken on facing DV – 498A – Sec 125, for discussions in Faridabad weekly meetings.

    Good work

  2. dear friend -(my struggle)

    as per your “Advice to my 498A Brothers”.

    please clarify if her father have filled private petition in court stating that boy & her mother have visited to their home in Jammu at various occasions and abused her daughter & dowry demanded there. They have involed me , my father & my mother in false 498a case. Marriage was held in Jammu , we resided in Delhi for 4 months only, her parental home is in Jammu.
    can I still get this case transfered in DELHI, also clarify whether she can file a DOMESTIC VOILENCE-2005 in DELHI.


  3. The information provided by you is really very useful.Thanks a lot..I can understand your sorrow.

  4. Hello, Is your case still going on?
    If not, is your wife facing any criminal charges for filing false 498a case.

  5. yes, my case is still going on.
    she is not facing any criminal charges, as Indian Judiciary see women as Victims only even they are villians.

  6. Thanks bro 498a_crusader!

    Your post is really very good. I have adopted the same methodology and sitting tight. I am enjoying and the bit** and their bas**** are running from here and there.
    1.Never ever go for financial settlement.
    2.You spent this money in lawyers and police, they will take care of these nasty people very well.
    3.Spent some $ in police and file some cases at your place and see the enjoyment.

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