AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

What she has done to deserve this

She is not as you wrote, said her close known person. and also she wanted to come back. may be she realised she made a mistake, and regreted.

So what happened then….? I asked.

No answer came from her close person.

I know, she is not that person as I wrote, I know her inside out. She is simple and perfect but….! I stopped

But what?

there are reasons to doubt her, she made the situation worse. she started to hide things from me, if she was not wrong why she wanted to hide things, coffee cups, denied no one came, when neighbours says someone came, hiding where she went, when my friends see her in some other place.

yea i agree she wanted to come back, she called me once from shirva and also told same thing to someone i know. but never made any attempt to come back.

If there was any problem, she should have contacted some elder or church, instead she wanted to show thier muscle power, as they came at night along with her Henpecked Father, Brother and Brother in law, do you think was that way to such problem. ?

Hight of all this, she filed 498A, dowry case, even i never took or demanded anything.

Yea, that was wrong person answered, but that may be her relatives told her to do.

See its her Marriage / Life and husband, if she realy wanted to solve problem, if any, she should have talked to me 1st, she always wanted to fight for every word, she was thinking i have to do as they say, my family members should not come, but she can entertain her family members always, there are many things like this…..

again no answer came from other side.

see again i gave her so many chances, called her, what she answered, as you say, she wanted to come back. why she is not saying now “LETS START NEW BEGINING

Yea, she has some EGO, i know, Person replied.

Its not EGO, its her Mother, she is ready to sacrifies daughter marriage for Money, if she goes their flow of money will stop, she is GOLDEN EGGS laying goose

May be…..

not may be, this lady has no thinking POWER at all, and now she has money. she think she can buy anything. I do not mind she has gone, it her life, she knows better where she will happy. she did whatever she wanted to do, now its my turn,

I know, she works for Al-Futaim Dubai and all other details.

I can trap her with many things, Like
False information
False 498A

Unless i get my all things back.

What things…?

My GOLD and Valuables.
My GOLDEN Days, i lost and Damage she has done

?As you said if she was a SAINT, Noble women, she should have told, she is saffocating with this marriage, as she want to enjoy with other men,and spend night out,and go for mutual Divorce, without stealing my gold and valuables. If she really wanted to go, she should have signed Mutual in the year 2000 without taking my things.I would? have not forced her to stay, i would have gone my way.

As i know, you cann`t STOP

blowing wind
flowing water
Runaway wife

Her deeds clearly shows, she?was wrong, she wanted to hide something, so she left taking my valuables and now she is not ready to face the LAW.

Let law take its toll, or my spirit will haunt her, whole life.

just wait and watch and you will know.

1 thought on “What she has done to deserve this

  1. Dear Rudy;

    she deserve no Mercy,Every women value her marriage,unless she is a Prostitute. If possible charge her with all possible criminal charges,sue her and also her mother,let them realise wrath of law.If law is not doing nothing,LORD almighty will punish her for sure.

    Im from States, i have gone thorugh all your posts,my Advice is,she is not worth to take back.She is real prostitute,may be slept with more men than you wrote, you should move on with marriage. My Prayers are with you, i am sure you will find better women.

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