AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism


Texas_Lady |

Dear Rudy;

she deserve no Mercy, Every women value her marriage, unless she is a Prostitute. If possible charge her with all possible criminal charges, sue her and also her mother, let them realize wrath of law. If law is not doing nothing, LORD almighty will punish her for sure.

I m from States, i have gone through all your posts, my Advice is, she is not worth to take back. She is real prostitute, may be slept with more men than you wrote, you should move on with marriage. My Prayers are with you, i am sure you will find better women.
This is the comment posted on my one of the Post [ ] by an American women.

Thank you Texas Lady;

she deserve no mercy, she should be charged. for doing all this,

Texas lady was right, Good women always value their Marriage, those who looking for more men, just like prostitutes, they do all these things.

There was no Problem at home, as i always told i was not womenizer, alcoholic or drug addict,

I seen women stay in such hostile enviornment,? just for kids sake and family and Pray, someday her husband will be realize and turn his back to BAD things.

I seen women raise kids all alone, working hard

I seen women work like a Ass, whole day, and in the evening husband take her all her earning for Alcohol, beat her, come home drunk and rape her.

I seen women day starts with beating and end with empty stomach.

I seen women is shared with drunk freinds.

I seen women, who husband bring home other women.

and now i see a women, run away for her husband, who was NONE of Above.
She was not harassed by Husband family / Mother / sister, as they were staying separate

I Never demanded any dowry or took anything nor they gave anything.

I am not Dark, Short or FAT

I do not have Diabetics, Sugar or Pressure.

I do not smell bad, foul mouth or Fart shamelesly like other men

Still she left;
So I do not have Any GOOD word to Brand her than Texas Lady said – PROSTITUTE

4 thoughts on “Prostitute….?

  1. Hi,

    How can you simply call her “Prostitute”.
    I agree to what u said like for a woman her marriage is everything..and it is in her hands to make it or destroy it..

    I agree she is at fault..but dont u think somewhere deep down there may be your mistake too..not to understand her.
    As per me..whatever happendd..was her fault….but not 100%…you are also a part of it.

    If u get time…think propely without getting biased.

  2. Where i called her Prostitute, its your own kind call her so.

    coz women know women better

  3. Dear Crusader I can understand how hard you felt when an honest and loyal husband like you were cheated and deserted by that woman.And what is most painful and unpardonable is that she even got you arrested by lodging false dowry case.When an innocent Man, who has no criminal background or a criminal mind goes behind bars, its the most unfortunate thing to happen to a human being. Your anger is hundred percent justified.
    Dont worry when some people accuse you of being biased and partially try to justify her. Deep in your conscience you know that you were innocent, Deep down your conscience you know that you were loyal to your wife and never demanded even one penny as dowry.And God knows that you are hundred percent innocent and a genuine victim of marital abuse.And believe me that in his court you will get Justice, because there men and women are equal and are equally accountable, unlike the courts in our bloody own country.
    In our country The Law and its makers dont care for genuine victims, nor do they look for genuine offenders.They rather appoint the victims based on their gender,caste or class.Their Mantra is that”When it comes to inter gender clashes,Men are always wrong,and even if it is crystal clear that a man is innocent,he should not be declared as innocent,and even when that it is clear a woman is hundred percent the offender, still she should not be declared as guilty,rather some false arguments or insinuations should be made to justify all her unjust actions to some extent”.
    And when when our genuine male victims beg for justice,or when they cry foul at the misuse of 498A,then their agitation is dismissed, and the govt. and the women organisation sing in chorus that” these men are male chauvanists who want to abuse women and who want to burn them for dowry, and thats the reason why they are protestng against the 498A”.Or when these innocent men ask for equal rights before the law,the womens organizations step in and say that “these bloody men dont want women to get their rights” and those men are humiliated and it is often said “even if an innocent Man goes to jail, whats a big deal in it,if he is innocent he will be acquitted after a few years legal proceedings.Its perfectly ok”.
    No real human being will ever think that the women who are victims should not get justice.They should get justice at all cost.But at the same time the male victims should also get justice,their offenders(irrespective of gender) should be punished severly.
    But unfortunatly there are deep bias and narrow mindedness, in our society.Earlier it was anti woman, now it now it is anti man.The same primitive mindset still prevails.The fact that good and bad people are present on both sides of the gender divide, is often forgotten or it is arrogantly pretended to be not so.
    But dont worry Crusader,even if things dont change immediatly, have faith in God and his truth and infinite justice.I know,His power is bound to descend .Then the real victims will get justice irrespective of their caste creed, gender or race.
    “Be sure that in the Almighty Court the woman who ruined your life and all those people who have tried to suggest even a slightest justification for her acts, will get the most painful punishment,and they will regret their mistake like hell”.
    The LAW OF KARMA-The omniscient unbiased Divine Law will descend and will continue to prevail and our Myopic, ignorant and biased, Indian and other earthly laws and lawmakers will tremble and crumble,before the thunder of the absolute power of truth. Have faith brother.

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