AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Yet Another Proposal

I did not posted my profile on many matrimonial sites, so far all the proposals came from friends, Relatives and well-wishers.

Few days back I saw a girl profile on our community profile, as I was looking for a nonworking girl, she was at home giving Tuitions. I thought like contacting her, and sent message from that portal, after 2 / 3 mails I asked her to write from her email not from portal email, which is not disclosing emails. It was girl?s sister who posted profile and handling all the mails. Once I got her email and full name, I searched Google, as usual for her name and email and found out many details.

They did not told where the girl is staying but I found it from one posting as they are looking for a plot in small village in Mangalore.
I also checked where her sister sending emails from through IP trace of her email and found out her firm, where she was working, as I was not intended to call her, but just to check, if she is working there or not I called her working place number. If my IP trace was wrong then, receptionists straightaway tell such person not there, but she connected my call to her sister, as she was really working there and my trace was correct. I did not expected this still once connected to make sure I found right person, I just told her my name only, and she recognized me.

But for them it was a surprise, they never expected an unknown person can find out all these things. For them I was a mystery man, scary one.

After few mails exchange, her sister asked me to send latest photos of me, which I forwarded, same she forwarded to her sister but she never gave her sister email or contact number. She was acting just like my Ex sister. when she forwarded my mail to her sister she CC her sister also and I found girl email and I asked directly and sent my 2 photos I took that day from my mobile.

They are after 2 things; photo and salary, after sending my photos, I told them ask anything but do not ask my salary. As I experienced and encountered many girls, most girl?s intention they want to find a man who earn millions, even he is Dark/short/ugly they are ready to marry.

Her sister was keeps on asking what my salary is, then I found out her sister posted on shaadi dot com looking for a specific amount earning man, then I said I earn more than double what she is looking for. Still she was asking approximate figure, which I never disclosed but I told her, I will tell this, if this Proposal fails.

They were not aware that I have contacts with major site admins, as she posted her profile on shaadi,,, and many other including , and I was told by these admins?she got so many proposals from men.

After 2 days I felt like, she wanted to know I have my own house or not, as they were not aware about my supernatural powers, that I can predict things and feel what others thinks. But for them it was another surprise, that how I know what they think. So I wrote to her about my home and property.

Now girl her self wrote, how do I know all these things, her email and other things without telling, and I am scary and I look different in all photos.

I knew it, its end of the story and what she is looking for. And in my last mail I wrote my salary. As I promised. I will disclose my salary if this proposal fails.

I got reply immediately, saying.

No hard feelings, give us few days, we will get back to you.

But I decided not to reply,

Why they want to get back to me, who is scary, look different in all photos, only after knowing my salary.

Now I knew their intention,

She was looking for a stud, as she was keeps on asking for photo.
She was looking for a man who earns high salary.
She was looking for a man who has property and his own house.


I was looking for a Simple girl, who says,

If you love me, I am sure you will care for me, stand by me, and will not desert me, in return I will give you my life.


I am sure I will never find such Girl.

I am not telling they were wrong, Even if I am in their shoes, I will ask same questions, as everyone intention and goal to send their daughter/sister to better home, find good husband. But in return it?s her duty to scarifies her life and devote to her husband.

Here this lady said, when I told I love to eat GRASS but I can eat anything dead, 2 legged or 4 legged, she angrily replied, I can?t see animals being killed. That means she do not care about husband. He is not forcing her eat flesh, if she can?t digest. But her statement shows she is not ready to change, do something he likes, and cook for him. As my ex said, she is not my SLAVE to cook for me, As it is said, win mans heart through his stomach, as men needs are very little, stomach and little down, if they are satisfied with it; they are ready to do anything for her.

I have a Marathi friend, who wife also vegetarian, but her husband like meat and fish, but she prepare for him, even she vomit every time she make it. That?s love.

Marriage is built on love and trust, that?s the way how it should be.

2 thoughts on “Yet Another Proposal

  1. Hi,

    I totally agree that marriage is built on love and trust.but in case of going for arranged marriage you simply cant blame any family for being skeptic about a stranger.

    Why would the girl be friendly to you in the 1st or 2nd meet or rather say email meet.

    You dint disclose the necessary imformation which is required for a arranged marriage.Had it being a love marriage,the family would have never asked you these kind of things.

    Many frauds are going on in the name of marriage.The girl’s family were just clearing their doubts about you.You simply can’t judje or comment people like that.

    Maybe you wont understand what I am saying right now.But maybe if u become a girls’s father,you will realise that blaming people specially in this context is a very ingraceful thing to do.

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