AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism


Many take children away from father, when separated and never allow them to meet their Father; Women think by that they can harass husband. In reality they are not harassing her husband but they are committing greatest Cruelty and sin against Innocent children.

At the same time, Henpecked Judiciary also give custody to Mother without thinking the effect on Children.

Child Custody is another name to make money.

Mother and her family fill that innocent Child mind with a poison against his/her Father.

They tell their Father was beating and harassing their mother;

He was coming home Drunk;

He was having another women;

He was not a Good Father; etc etc…..


When child grow up and find out

Father was a Good Man,
He was not an alcoholic,
He never had other women, nor harassed their mother or beat her.

They will not only hate their mother and her whole family they may desert them and go to their Father, never to return or treat her same in her old age.

That will be ultimate nightmare for that women who took away child and snatched their happy childhood from their Father.

And if that child is a boy, when he get marry, another women snatch him from his mother then she will feel how it hurts. When she is too old to reverse what she has done to her Child.

She wanted to see her husband alone and die lonely taking away children from him, but now she is in his shoes, Children will not be with her, even she has them.

She has to live with that fear; when that time comes and child will know the TRUTH.

I am one of such Father; even fought for my son custody for 13 long years and i am not alcoholic nor had other women.

2 thoughts on “WHAT IF..!

  1. @Jacklene Jones

    Only Sadist Feminist will cry and post comment as you posted;
    Webmaster would have been deleted your comment without moderating but allowed you to post, just to show what Feminists can do.

    When author post Truth that hurts Right ?
    i just pitty you.

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