AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism



When I went to meet my son as per court order, he said in front of the Police that he do not want to meet me. So I started to think what might have they told him about me.

For sure, Mother must have told him that I had Affair that is why she left. However, the TRUTH is other way; it is not me it is she. I can name that person too; even her mother knew when she was in college.

Whole Shirva town know about her.
If I had any Affair; I would have not waited 8 years long to get marry again.
In those 8 years, I went their Shirva home many times, to meet Glenn, even to his school;
I sent mail or called Glenn Mother asking her to come back and not to spoil child’s innocence.
I started to search other women only after my child custody case was dropped in Udupi court.
I met Joyce in an online matrimonial site in 2007, I never know her before that. Whom Glenn believe I had Affair; because now i married to her.No man will stay single if his wife runaway and thats what i did.

My affair is cooked up story by Glenn mother and his Grandmother to hide her Affair in front of shirva public, when Shirva Public laughing at them because they knew the truth.
She may be never told Glenn that, she filled False case on me, just to shut my mouth.
She knows reason better known to her, even i have not taken any dowry nor demanded any money, still she filled false case on me.
Other than False case when she left my House she took not gold i gave,but she took my Gold too. As Glenn Grand mother was telling whole town that i kicked her daughter out of house at night. matter of fact, No one kick out of the house with all gold Valuable

Now it’s Glenn turn to know the Truth.
I wanted not only him but his Mother too, back;
It is she decided to keep Glenn away from me, just to harass me.
Now Glenn is Wise enough to know the truth; if he want, I can give name of the person whom she was meeting.
It’s Glenn time to Question her why she filled false case ?
Why she took my gold and Valuables.
Let him ask them on BIBLE,

Di; Truth is very hard to digest; now it is your Turn.


  1. I am Glenn Friend;
    He says; His Mother told him that you had Affair, so you left his Mother but you want Glenn only not his Mother, so Glenn Hate you and never come back to you.

    What do you say ?

  2. Every women says Same, when she is caught Red handed; if she has any proof of my Affair she can show, I can name the person she was with; Its upto him to know the truth.

    Now he is grownup and wise,he should not listen only to his Mother, he has to ask some other people who knows me and her to know the TRUTH.

    Love and hate that upto him, once he get marry, become Father then only he will know what Father is and his mother also knows when other Girl comes in his life.

    I already answered all his doubts in above post, and i shown him way to my house; if he wish anytime he can come to meet me if he wish.

  3. Thank You Manisha, for talking to Glenn, Hope he is fine.

    My Advice to you, dont talk to him about me, coz he will not listen, as he has been Brain washed for many decades against me
    No way he will listen or make an effort to findout what is the truth.

    He will realize only when, Someday he will love someone and give everything to her and later he findout she was with someone and still in contact with Old Flame.

    And his Mother will know, when other girl comes in Glenn life and she will snatch him away from her and not allow even to talk on the Phone, then she will realize.

    same, everyone get their share sooner than later touting a Innocent mind against his Father.

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