State of Tamil Nadu and Ors.
“On Monday (November 8), the police took custody of the accused for investigation. On Tuesday morning, the police took both of them from the Saravanampatty police station at 5.30 a.m. for identification of the places where they committed the offence.They were escorted by Inspectors Kanagasabapathy and Annadurai besides Sub-Inspectors Muthumalai and Jothi.Manoharan was taken in the first vehicle and Mohanraj in the second vehicle.When the vehicle was crossing the Vellalore compost yard of the Coimbatore Corporation on the Podanur-Vellalore road, Mohanraj allegedly snatched the pistol of Sub-Inspector Jothi and placed it at the head of the Head Constable-cum-driver Annadurai and ordered him to drive towards Kerala. When the driver failed to stop, he opened fire in which Jothi sustained an injury in his right arm, while a bullet pierced the stomach of Sub-Inspector Muthumalai.Immediately, Muthumalai fired two shots in the head of the accused and Inspector Annadurai opened fire at the chest causing his instant death.City Police Commissioner C. Sylendra Babu said the police opened fire to prevent the accused from killing the police personnel and to foil his attempt to escape from custody.”
“6. Definitions in the Code to be understood subject to exceptions — Throughout this Code every definition of an offence, every penal provision, and every illustration of every such definition or penal provision, shall be understood subject to the exceptions contained in the Chapter entitled “General Exceptions”, though these exceptions are not repeated in such definition, penal provision, or illustration.”