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Reinvestigate petition dismissed

IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA AT CHANDIGARH CRM M-38495 of 2016 (O&M) Date of Decision: February 02, 2021 Kamlesh Kumari …Petitioner Versus The State of Punjab and others … Respondents CORAM : HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE FATEH DEEP SINGH Present : Mr. K….

Demanding money to buy Household articles not Dowry

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS RESERVED ON: 23.07.2019 DELIVERED ON: 06.08.2019 CORAM: THE HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE P.N. PRAKASH Crl.A. No.395 of 2018 & Crl.M.P. No.6549 of 2019 Sakthivel Appellant/A1 vs. State, D.S.P. Namakkal Sub Division (Sendamangalam P.S. Cr. No.665/2012 Namakkal District Respondent…

498A be made Bailable and Compoundable

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL. R 462/2002 19.05.2003 DATE OF DECISION: May 19, 2003 Savitri Devi ………….Petitioner. Through Mr. H C Mittal,Adv. Versus Ramesh Chand and Ors. …………Respondents Through Mr. R P Bhardwaj, Adv. CORAM:- HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE J.D. KAPOOR…

Ordinary petulance and discord in matrimonial life is not Cruelty, 498A or Abetment

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Decision: May 16, 2014 CRL.A. 611/1999 MAHAVIR KUMAR & ORS. ….. Appellants Through: Mr.K.B. Andley, Sr. Advocate with Mr.M.L.Yadav and Mr.Lokesh Chandra, Advocates. versus STATE ….. Respondent Through: Mr.Ravi Nayak, APP CORAM: HON’BLE MR….

Appellants are acquitted in 304B

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATED: 25-01-2007 CORAM : THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE R.REGUPATHI Pukkraj v. State – Crl.A.No.859 of 2000 [2007] RD-TN 306 (25 January 2007) 1.Pukkraj 2.Kamalabai 3.Prakash 4.Kishore .. Appellants. Versus State rep. By Assistant Commissioner of Police, Pulianthope Range,…

304-B set aside in 498A IPC

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN BENCH AT JAIPUR JUDGMENT IN S.B. Criminal Appeal No.388/2002 SURESH RAWAT v STATE – CRLA Case No. 388 of 2002 [2007] RD-RJ 2538 (8 May 2007) Suresh Rawat S/o Ganga Ram Rawat Versus State of Rajasthan Date…

304B dismissed in 498A

NALLAM VEERA STAYANANDAM & ORS V. THE PUBLIC PROSECUTOR, HIGH COURT OF A.P [2004] RD-SC 114 (24 February 2004) N Santosh Hegde & B P Singh. SANTOSH HEGDE, J. The appellants before us were charged of offences punishable under section 304B and 498A IPC and…

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