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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

What are the Ingredients of S.307, I.P.C.?

Supreme Court of India State Of Maharashtra vs Balram Bama Patil And Ors. on 1 February, 1983 Equivalent citations: AIR 1983 SC 305, 1983 CriLJ 331, 1983 (1) Crimes 481 SC, 1983 (1) SCALE 93, (1983) 2 SCC 28 Author: Misra Bench: E Venkataramiah, R…

Divorce : False Adultery claims Cruelty

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS Dated:21.02.2012 Coram: THE HONOURABLE Mr. JUSTICE ELIPE DHARMA RAO AND THE HONOURABLE Mr. JUSTICE M.VENUGOPAL C.M.A.No.2148 of 2008 and M.P.No.1 of 2008 P.Nirmala … Appellant Vs. K.Muruguselvam … Respondent Prayer: Appeal filed under Section 282 of the Hindu Marriage…

False Accusation, Cruelty in Divorce Explained

Kerala High Court S. Latha Kunjamma vs K. Anil Kumar on 24 March, 2008 Bench: K Joseph, Harun-Ul-Rashid JUDGMENT Harun-Ul-Rashid, J. 1. This appeal is filed by the petitioner/wife in O.P. No. 554/2006 being aggrieved by the judgment dated 7-8-2006 on the file of the…

Cruelty in Marital Life Explained

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment reserved on: 29.04.2011 Judgment delivered on: .07.2011 FAO No. 305/1998 Hemwanti Tripathi ……Appellant Through: Mr. G.S. Vasisht with Ms. Pratibha Shukla, Advs. Vs. Harish Narain Tripathi ……Respondent Through: Mr. Pradeep Gupta with Mr. Suresh Bharti,…

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