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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Divorce: Calling impotent, Writing letter to others is Cruelty

IN THE HIGH COURT OF ANDHRA PRADESH AT HYDERABAD AAO Nos. 733 and 734 of 1997 Decided On: 11.11.1999 G. Padmini Vs. G. Sivananda Babu Equivalent citations: 2000 (2) ALD 258, 2000 (2) ALT 259, II (2000) DMC 760 Bench: S Maruthi, E D Rao…

Desertion without Valid reason Ground for Divorce

IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB & HARYANA AT CHANDIGARH FAO No. 4433 of 2010 Date of Decision: August 06, 2013 Krishan….Appellant Versus Smt. Tripta….Respondent CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE AJAY KUMAR MITTAL HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE JASPAL SINGH Present : Mr. B.R. Gupta, Advocate,for the appellant….

Divorce – False Allegations of extra marital affair is Cruelty

Allahabad High Court Smt. Sadhana Srivastava Wife Of … vs Sri Arvind Kumar Srivastava Son Of … on 6 September, 2005 Equivalent citations: AIR 2006 All 7, 2006 (1) AWC 177, II (2005) DMC 863 Bench: R Misra, K Murari JUDGMENT Krishna Murari, J. 1….

Desertion without valid reason and not Ready for Mutual consent is Cruelty

Patna High Court MISC. APPEAL No.143 OF 1996 Against the judgment and order dated 29.7.1995 passed by Shri Lakhan Kumar Sahay, Principal Judge, Family Court, Patna in Matrimonial Case No. 20 of 1990/141 of 1992 SUDHANSHU MAULI TRIPATHI son of Sri Umakant Tripathi of Village…

Parents should not interfere in daughter’s married life


Attempting self-murder forcing father to set adult apart home abandonment are all drift for divorce.

Madras High Court A.P. Ranga Rao vs Vijayalakshmi on 26 September, 1988 Equivalent citations: we (1990) DMC 567 Bench: K Natarajan JUDGMENT K.M. Natarajan, J. 1. This second interest is destined by a postulant father severe a legality and exactness of a visualisation upheld by…

Divorce : False Adultery claims Cruelty

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS Dated:21.02.2012 Coram: THE HONOURABLE Mr. JUSTICE ELIPE DHARMA RAO AND THE HONOURABLE Mr. JUSTICE M.VENUGOPAL C.M.A.No.2148 of 2008 and M.P.No.1 of 2008 P.Nirmala … Appellant Vs. K.Muruguselvam … Respondent Prayer: Appeal filed under Section 282 of the Hindu Marriage…

Divorce : Mental Cruelty no Alimony

Rajasthan High Court Smt. Pramila Bhatia vs Vijay Kumar Bhatia on 19 May, 2000 Equivalent citations: I (2001) DMC 251, 2000 (3) WLC 496, 2000 (3) WLN 330 Author: Singh Bench: A Singh ORDER Singh, J. (1). Heard the learned counsel for the parties. (2)….

HC uphold grounds of cruelty – Divorce

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment reserved on: 06.07.2010 Judgment delivered on: 18.8.2010 FAO 443/2000 RENU BALA ……Appellant Through: Mr.Sanjeev Sindhwani, Adv. Vs. JAGDEEP CHILLER ……Respondent Through: Mr.Rajesh Kalra and Mr.Anuj Soni, Adv. CORAM:HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE KAILASH GAMBHIR 1. Whether the…

HMA, Mental cruelty, Custody to Father.

In the High Court of Judicature at Madras Reserved on : 01.10.2015 Pronounced on : 01.12.2015 Coram: The Hon’ble Mr.Justice S.MANIKUMAR and The Hon’ble Mr.Justice M.VENUGOPAL C.M.A. No.2861 of 2012 and M.P.No.1/2012 & M.P.No.1/2013 Indra … Appellant Vs. B.G.Giri … Respondent Prayer: Civil Miscellaneous Appeal…

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