MyNation Foundation is non government funded NGO, which help victims of Indian Biased laws by giving moral support, Advice, and also provide required bare acts and Judgments to fight Cases in Indian Courts.
This Judgments section is a Collection of Judgments since 1980 to date, which are categoricaly listed for easy browsing.
These Judgments are an Uncertified copies for your information/reference only. For authentic copy please refer to certified copy only of the Court. In case of any copy mistake, as we format it for better printout, please bring it to the notice of Website Admin.
Reproduced in Public interest and accordance with s52(q) of the Copyright Act 1957 (India) from, and other Indian High Court Websites
I have a High court judgement that I want to get uploaded on your site. Could you please advise the email address where I could email it. Thank you