SC and HC Judgments Online at MyNation

Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Ravi Kumar vs State Of Punjab on 21 September, 2017


Criminal Misc. No. M-19476 of 2017 (OM)
Date of decision : September 21, 2017

Ravi Kumar …..Petitioner


State of Punjab ….Respondent


Present: Ms. Alisha Soni, Advocate
for the petitioner.

Mr. Devinder Bir Singh, DAG, Punjab.

The petitioner prays for bail pending trial in FIR No. 52 dated

03.03.2017 under Sections 307, 326A, 498A IPC registered at Police Station

Meharban, District Ludhiana.

It is contended that the present FIR has been registered due to

temperamental differences between the parties and no cruelty or harassment

was meted out to the complainant. Moreover, the evidence on record does

not even suggest the petitioner to be guilty of commission of offence

punishable under Sections 307, 326A IPC. Moreover, the complainant, in

this case, has since testified before the learned trial Court. It is, thus, prayed

that this petition be allowed.

I have heard learned counsel for the parties.

Learned counsel for the State, on instructions, from ASI

Bhupinder Kumar, affirms and verifies that the complainant i.e. the

petitioner’s wife as well as the investigating officer have since testified

before the learned trial Court. Examination-in-chief of the complainant’s

father has been conducted. It is verified that the petitioner is not involved

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in any other criminal case. Trial, in this case, is not likely to conclude in

the near future.

There are no allegations on behalf of the State that petitioner is

likely to abscond or that he is likely to dissuade the witnesses from

deposing true facts in the Court, if released on bail.

No useful purpose shall be served by keeping the petitioner

incarcerated any longer. Keeping in view the facts and circumstances noted

above but without expressing any opinion on the merits of case, it is

considered just and expedient to allow this petition.

Consequently, the petitioner be released on bail pending trial

subject to his furnishing requisite bail bonds and surety to the satisfaction of

the learned trial Court.

It is reiterated that none of the observations made herein above

are a reflection on the merits of the case and shall have no bearing on the


(Lisa Gill)
September 21, 2017 Judge
Whether speaking/reasoned : Yes/No

Whether reportable : Yes/No

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