SC and HC Judgments Online at MyNation

Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Renu Karmakar vs The State Of West Bengal & Ors on 23 August, 2017


W.P. 21751(W) of 2017
710 23.08.17
Renu Karmakar
The State of West Bengal Ors.

Mr. A. Bose,
Mr. C. Chatterjee
….for the petitioner.
Mr. A. K. Ganguly,
Ms. S. D. Chanda
…..for the State.

It is submitted on behalf of the petitioner

that the private respondent no.5 being daughter-in-

law has subjected her to undue harassment and

criminal intimidation. No steps have been taken by

the police authorities in the matter.

Report is field on behalf of the State

wherefrom it appears that a criminal case was

lodged by the respondent no.5 in 2013 being Nimta

P.S. Charge Sheet No.166/13 dated 20.07.2013

under Section 498A of IPC and under Section 3 4

of the D. P. Act against the petitioner and her son.

Subsequently, the matter has been reconciled

between the respondent no.5 and her son and

thereafter petitioner has lodged a criminal case

against respondent no.5 being Nimta P.S Case

No.273/17 dated 19.08.2017 under Section

323/427/506/34 of the IPC. In the said case

investigation is in progress. Report is kept on

record. Copy of the report be handed over to the

learned counsel for the petitioner.

In view of the domestic dispute between the

petitioner and the private respondent no.5, I

observe that the criminal cases pending by and

between the parties shall be proceeded with utmost

expedition and be concluded at an early date.

Petitioner as victim of crime is at liberty to

participate in the criminal proceeding and ventilate

her grievances therein in accordance with law. It

shall also be open to the petitioner to approach the

appropriate authority under the Maintenance of

Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 for

necessary redress in accordance with law, if so


Needless to mention that lawful orders

passed by the said judicial authorities shall be

implemented by police authorities in accordance

with law.

With the aforesaid observation, the writ

petition is disposed of.

Affidavit-in-opposition having not been

called upon the allegations made in the writ

petition are not deemed to be admitted by the


Certified copy of this order, if applied for, be

given to the parties on priority basis.

(Joymalya Bagchi, J.)

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