SC and HC Judgments Online at MyNation

Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Smt. Guddo Bai Pandey vs The State Of Madhya Pradesh on 13 October, 2017

M.Cr.C. No. 16278/2017
Shri R.K. Dubey, learned counsel for the petitioners.

Shri Yogesh Dhande, learned Deputy Govt. Advocate
for respondent/State.

This is a petition under Section 482 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for short ‘the Code’) prays for
staying the proceedings of order dated 18/08/2017 in S.T.
No. 236/2015 pending before Additional Sessions Judge,
Banda District-Sagar till the disposal of application
preferred by the petitioners under Section 323 of ‘the Code’
in Criminal Case No. 183/2015, pending before learned
Judicial Magistrate, First Class, Banda District-Sagar.

It is submitted by the learned counsel for the
petitioners that on the basis of FIR dated 25/02/2015 lodged
by complainant-B.S. Dangi a Crime No. 77/2015 was
registered at Police Station-Banda, District-Sagar against
petitioners-Indraraj Singh, Parvat Singh, Brijesh Singh and
Chhatrapal Singh, thereafter, charge-sheet has been filed
against the petitioners for offence under Sections 294,324
and 307/34 of the IPC and subsequently S.T. No. 236/2015
has been registered against the petitioners, which is pending
before the Court of Additional Sessions Judge, Banda
District-Sagar at the stage of prosecution evidence. The
further submission is that regarding the same incident
another FIR was lodged by the petitioners against Rajaram,
Jogendra and Bhai Sahab Dangi on the same day and at the
same time at Police-Station Banda, Sagar, on the basis of
which Criminal Case No. 183/2015 has been registered
against aforsaid persons. The further submission is that
petitioners moved an application under Section 323 of ‘the
Code’ in Criminal Case No. 183/2015 making prayer that as
both the cases are regarding the same incident, therefore,
they may be committed to the same Court. The further
submission is that the Court of Judicial Magistrate First
Class, Banda is lying vacant, therefore, order could not
have been passed on this application, therefore, the
petitioners pray for stayingh the proceedings of order dated
18/08/2017 passed in S.T. No. 236/2015 pending before
Additional Sessions Judge, Banda District-Sagar till the
pendency of this application.

Heard learned counsel for the parties and perused the

From perusal of the record, it transpires that two FIR
have been lodged by petitiners and complainant against
each other regarding the same incident. On the basis of FIR,
S.T. No. 236/2015 has been registered against petitioners
which is pending before learned Additional Sessions Judge,
Banda District-Sagar, while on the basis of second FIR
Criminal Case No. 183/2015 has been registered against
complainant party, which is pending before learned Judicial
Magistrate, First Class, Banda District-Sagar.

As both the cases are registered regarding the same
incident, therefore, they may be committed to the same
Court and as the Court of Judicial Magistrate First Class,
Banda is lying vacant, therefore, order could not have been
passed on application filed by the petitioners in Criminal
Case No. 183/2015 under Section 323 of ‘the Code’.

Considering the facts and circumstances of the case,
learned Sessions Judge, Sagar is requested to transfer both
the cases to some another Court, where learned Sitting
Judge is available for hearing, so that they can be heard and
decided by the same Bench. So far as the stay of
proceedings in S.T. No. 236/2015 is concerned, this Court
does not find any ground for grant of stay as both the cases
are tried separately.

With the aforesaid terms this petition stands disposed

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C.No. 12788/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 12413/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 11808/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after three weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 11602/2017
None for the petitioners.
Shri Saurabh Shrivastava, learned counsel for the
respondent No.1/State.
Shri A.K. Gupta, learned counsel for the respondent
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C.No. 10762/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.15237/2017
Shri K.K. Gautam, learned counsel for the petitioner.
Shri Sourabh Shrivastava, learned Govt. Advocate for
the respondents/State.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for
Prayer is granted.
Be listed after 3 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10758/2017
Shri Alok Tapikar, learned counsel for the petitioner.
After arguing at length on the merits of the case,
learned counsel for the petitioner seeks leave of this Court
to withdraw this petition .
Prayer is granted.
Accordingly, the petition is dismissed as withdrawn.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

M.Cr.C. No. 13486/2017
Shri N.Jain, learned counsel for the petitioner.
None for the respondents, though duly served.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C.No. 10762/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C.No. 14244/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C.No. 15132/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 13460/2016
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No. 1593/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No. 1622/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No. 1681/2017
None for the petitioner.
Shri K.K. Gautam, learned counsel for the
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
Be listed on 10/11/2017.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 16557/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 6594/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 5690/2009
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant-Syed Sameer before this Court.
Prayer is granted.
Be listed on 13/11/2017.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2897/2011
Shri A.D. Mishra, learned counsel for the appellant.
Shri Manish Awasthi, learned Govt. Advocate for the
Learned counsel for the petitioner informs that sole
appellant-Bablu @ Mevalal has expired.
Learned Govt. Advocate prays for and is granted time
to verify the factum of death of appellant -Bablu @
Mevalal .
Be listed after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A.No. 1131/2012
Shri A.V. Gupta, learned counsel for the appellant.
None for the respondent/C.B.I.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed on 25/10/2017.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellant Nos. 1, 3, 4 5-Motilal,
Shankar Singh, Gopal Singh @ Bhopal Singh and Nepal
Singh before this Court.
Prayer is granted.
Be listed on 14/11/2017.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 5672/2014
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after three weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2934/2015
None for the appellant.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.3321/2015
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Ranjeet to secure his presence
before this Court.
Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.3321/2015
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Ranjeet to secure his presence
before this Court.
Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.3526/2015
Parties through their counsel.
As per communication dated 21/09/2017 received
from Station House Officer- Ghamapur, District-Jabalpur,
the sole appellant- Durga Prasad Verma has expired on
16/02/2017. Copy of death certificate is annexed with the

Keeping in view the aforesaid, this appeal stands
dismissed as abated.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 21830/2015
None for the petitioners. None even appeared on the
previous date of hearing i.e. on 04/09/2017, which shows
that the petitioner has lost interest in prosecuting this
Accordingly, the petition is hereby dismissed for
want of prosecution.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.A. No.143/2016
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Shekhar Shukla to secure his
presence before this Court.
Be listed 13/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant-Ramdhani before this Court.
Prayer is granted.
Be listed on 17/11/2017.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 19677/2016
Parties through their counsel.
Be listed alongwith Cr.A. No. 1970/2016.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A.No. 1970/2016
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant-Vijay before this Court.
Prayer is granted.
Be listed on 13/11/2017.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.2779/2016
Shri Pawan Gurjar, learned counsel for the petitioner.
On payment of process-fee within a week, let notice
be issued to respondent No.2. Notice be made returnable
within eight weeks.
Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.14050/2015
None for the petitioners.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.11753/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10618/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2995/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after six weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.19575/2014
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after six weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.13707/2014
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3167/20013
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 7236/2014
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3167/20013
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 15826/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the parties, list
the matter alongwith M.Cr.C. Nos. 15675/2015 and
Case-diary diary be kept on next date of hearing.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 15189/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10419/2016
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.15487/2016
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.210/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after four weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.1100/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.
Be listed after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.1507/2017
None for the petitioners.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after six weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.2143/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned Public Prosecutor prays for and is granted
time to produce case-diary.
Be listed after three weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.2404/2017xx
Shri C.P. Singh, learned counsel for the petitioner.
On payment of process-fee let notice be issued to
respondents. Notice be made returnable within six weeks.
In the meanwhile records of the court below be
Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.2458/2017xx
None for the petitioners.
By way of indulgence case is adjourned
List after six weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.2541/2017xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.2541/2017xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.2545/2017xx
Parties through their counsel.
Record of the Courts below be called for .
Be listed after three weeks.
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.6261/2016
Shri A.D. Mishra, learned counsel for the petitioner.

Shri S.K. Mishra, learned counsel for the respondent.


This is a petition under Section 482 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for short ‘the Code’)
challenging order dated 27/02/2016 passed by the learned
Sessions Judge, Panna in Criminal Revision No. 35/2015,
whereby order dated 22/04/2015 passed by learned Judicial
Magistrate, First Class, Panna in MJC No. 64/2012 for
enhancing the maintenance amount from Rs.700/- per
month to Rs.2,000/- per month has been affirmed.

Admittedly, the respondent is the daughter of the
petitioner and is presently residing with her mother . A
petition under Section 125 of ‘the Code’ for grant of
maintenance was filed on behalf of respondent-Shivani
Chourasiya in the year 2003, in which maintenance @
Rs.400/- per month was awarded to her, vide order dated
29/02/2004 passed in MJC No. 148/2003. Later on a
petition was preferred under Section 127 of ‘the Code’ for
enhancement of maintenance amount, in which learned
Magistrate, vide order dated 24/08/2007 passed in MJC
No. 77/2006 enhanced the maintenance amount from Rs.
400/- to Rs.700/- per month. Subsequently, another petition
was filed under Section 127 of ‘the Code’ for further
enhancement in the maintenance amount. The learned
Magistrate, vide order dated 22/04/2015 passed in MJC No.
64/2012 enhanced the maintenance amount from Rs. 700/-
to Rs. 2,000/- per month. The order passed by the learned
Magistrate was unsuccessfully challenged by the petitioner
before learned revisional Court. Feeling aggrieved with the
order of learned revisional Court, invoking extra-ordinary
jurisdiction under Section 482 of ‘the Code’ petitioner has
come before this Court .

The impugned order is challenged on the ground that
respondent has attained majority and that the petitioner is a
low salaried person, therefore, he is not in a position to pay
maintenance @ Rs.2,000/- per month .

As regards plea raised by the learned counsel for the
petitioner that the respondent has attained majority, no
material was placed on record before learned Magistrate or
before the learned revisional Court that the respondent,
who is studying in class 12th has attained majority. As
regards capacity of the petitioner to pay the maintenance, it
is submitted at bar that the petitioner is earning about
Rs.13,000/- per month as a Govt. employee. In the
prevailing inflationary situation, an amount of Rs.2000/-
p.m., as maintenance allowance for respondent-daughter
cannot be said to be excessive or unreasonable nor the
petitioner can escape away from his liability to pay
reasonable amount of maintenance simply on the ground
that he has a low income, therefore, it cannot be said that
impugned order suffers from any illegality, incorrectness
and impropriety.

In view of the aforesaid, this petition sans merits,
deserves to be and is accordingly, hereby dismissed.

CC as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.A. No.775/2015xx
Shri Jaideep Sirpurkar, learned Govt. Advocate for
the appellant.

Shri A.K.Gupta, learned counsel for the respondent.
This appeal is directed against judgment and order
dated 23/12/2014 passed by Judicial Magistrate, First
Class, Pandhurna District-Chhindwara in Criminal Case
No. SC-NIA/368/2013, whereby learned Magistrate has
dismissed the complaint preferred under Section 138 of
the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 on the ground that
signatures of the accused on the disputed cheque do not
match with the signatures maintained by the Bank.

Relevant part of the impugne djudgment runs as

” izdj.k ds voyksdu ls Li”V gS fd ifjoknh ds }kjk mDr
vkosnu i varxZr /kkjk 138 ij0fy0vf/k0 rFkk /kkjk 420] 467] 468
Hkk0na0fo0 dk ifjokn i is’k fd;k x;k gS rFkk mDr /kkjkvksa ds
varxZr vijk/k fooj.k fojfpr fd;s tkus dk fuosnu fd;k x;k gSA
ifjokn i ds voyksdu ls Li”V gS fd vfHk;qDr }kjk tks pSd
ifjoknh dks fn;k x;k Fkk mDr pSd vfHk;qDr ds [kkrs esa Ik;kZIr jkf’k
tek ugha gksus ls rFkk pSd ij xyr gLrk{kj gksus ls mDr pSd vukn`r
gksdj ds okil ifjoknh dks izkIr gqvk gSA vkjksih i{k dh vksj ls
U;k;n`”Vkar jktdqekj ‘kqDyk fo0 lqcks/k vxzgkjh 2003¼1½ ,e-ih-,y-ts-
373 ¼,l-lh-½ is’k fd;k x;k gS rFkk mDr U;k;n`”Vkar ds vk/kkj ij
vkjksih ds fo:) dksbZ vijk/k dk xBu ugha gksus laca/kh vfHkopu fd;s
gSA mDr U;k;n`”Vkar ds rF; rFkk ifjoknh }kjk izLrqr mDr ifjokn ds
rF; leku gSA vr% ekuuh; U;k;ky; }kjk izLrqr mDr U;k;n`”Vkar ds
ifjizs{; esa vkjksih ds fo:) mDr /kkjkvksa dk vijk/k xfBr gksuk le{k
ugha vkrk gSA vr% vkjksih ds fo:) vijk/k fooj.k fojfpr fd;s tkus
gsrq Ik;kZIr vk/kkj miyC/k ugha gksus ls vkjksih dks mDr /kkjkvksa ls
mUeksfpr fd;k tkrk gS rFkk ifjoknh }kjk izLrqr ifjokn i [kkfjt
fd;k tkrk gSA”

From the aforesaid it transpires that the learned
Magistrate relying on the decision of apex Court in the
case of Vinod Tanna Vs. Zaheer Siddiqui Ors.
2003(1) MPLJ 373 (SC); wrongly cited in the judgment
as Rajkumar Shukla Vs. Subodh Agnihotri 2003(1)
MPLJ 373 (SC) has dismissed the complaint holding that
there is no match between the signatures on the disputed
cheque and signatures maintained by the Bank. The
decision rendered by the apex Court in Vinod Tanna
(supra) has been later on, overruled by the apex Court in
the case of Laxmi Dyechem Vs. State of Gujrat Ors,
(2012) 13 SCC 375, therefore, learned Magistrate has
committed an apparent error in dismissing the complaint
on the ground that signatures of the accused do not match
with the signatures maintained by the Bank.

In view of the aforesaid this petition deserves to be
and is accordingly hereby allowed and impugned order is
hereby set aside, consequently, the matter is remanded
back to the learned trial Court for deciding the same
afresh in accordance with law.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2890/2016
None for the appellants.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant No.2-Kalu @ Rakesh to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed 14/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.3039/2016xx
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Manisha @ Jayshri to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed 14/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.3494/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the appellant,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 3741/2016x
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Raghvendra before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 13/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2463/2016xx
None for the appellant.
Office objection with regard to maintainability of the
appeal is hereby waived.

List the matter on the question of admission.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2027/2016x
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Monu @ Sikandar @ Sameer
before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 09/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1452/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Ramraj Soni before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 10/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1587/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Sabitri Bai before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 13/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1267/2016xx
None for the appellants.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant No.1-Dhaniram to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed 13/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 13252/2015xx
None for the petitioner.

By way of indulgence one weeks time is granted to
the learned counsel for the petitioner to file the process-fee,
failing which this petition shall stand automatically
dismissed without further reference to the Court.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Cr.A. No. 3340/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Jagat Singh before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 10/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.3377/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.R. No. 3376/2015.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.3376/2015xx
None for the petitioners.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against Petitioner No.1-Vinod to secure his presence
before this Court.

Be listed 12/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4024/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.11921/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith M.Cr.C. No. 10754/2015.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10754/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
Vide order dated 25/04/2016, petitioner was directed
to take appropriate steps to implead complainant as
respondent No.2 in the case.

By way of indulgence two weeks time is granted to
the petitioner to do the needful.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.1660/2017xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned Public Prosecutor prays for adjournment.
Prayer is granted.

Be listed after 2 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10212/2016xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10212/2016
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.742/2000xx
Shri A.K. Rawat, learned counsel for the appellants.
Shri Ramji Pandey, learned Panel Lawyer for the

Heard learned counsel for the parties on IA No.
12704/2017, an application for change of counsel on behalf
of appellant No.1- Durga @ Billan.

On due consideration IA No. 12704/2017 is hereby
allowed and appellant No.1-Durga @ Billan is permitted to
engage new counsel of his choice.

Be listed for final hearing in due course.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.871/2010xx
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Jawahar to secure his presence
before this Court.

Be listed 04/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.202/2011xx
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Parag @ Chintoo Sonkar to secure
his presence before this Court.

Be listed 15/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
` Cr.A. No.2202/2011xx
Parties through their counsel.
As per communication dated 26/08/2017 received
from Station House Officer- Amarpatan, District-Satna, the
sole appellant- Ghanshyam Patel has expired on
29/09/2016. Copy of death certificate is annexed with the

Keeping in view the aforesaid, this appeal stands
dismissed as abated.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2684/2013xx
None for the appellants.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant No.6-Rakesh Yadav to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed 11/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 98/2014xx
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Arvind Kaurav to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed 12/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1849/2014xx
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Arjun Korku to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed 01/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2057/2014xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Kallu @ Kaluram before this

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 06/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2630/2014xx
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Umakant Dubey @ Betu to secure
his presence before this Court.

Be listed 07/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3412/2014xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 820/2015xx
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Bijju @ Jaiprakash Gautam to
secure his presence before this Court.

Be listed 08/12/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1044/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Mukesh Kumar before this

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 08/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1272/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Sushil Kumar Bhargava before
this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 09/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1234/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Arvind Verma before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 09/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.9950/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for

Prayer is granted.

Be listed after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.16354/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner informs that he has
already paid the process-fee.

Office is directed to examined the matter and proceed

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.1473/2016xx
Shri Yogesh Dhande, learned Govt. Advocate for
the petitioner/State.

Shri Sanjay Sharma, learned counsel for the

This is a petition under Section 378(3) Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for short ‘The Code’) seeking
leave to appeal against judgment and order dated
07/10/2015 rendered by Judicial Magistrate, First Class,
Seonimalwa, District-Hoshangabad in Criminal Case No.
555/2012 whereby respondents have been acquitted with
regard to offences under Section 294, 323, 325 and
506(II)/34 of the IPC.

Inviting the attention of this Court to the testimony
of complainant-Radheshyam (P.W.1), it is submitted by
the learned counsel for the petitioner that testimony of the
complainant was duly corroborated by F.I.R. (Ex. P/8)
lodged by the complainant after the incident so also by
medical testimony of Dr. A.K. Verma (P.W. 6), who has
examined the complainant after the incident. It is
submitted that learned trial Court has recorded the
acquittal on the ground that no independent witness was
examined in the matter and there are certain
discrepancies in the testimony of prosecution witnesses.
It is further submitted by the learned counsel for the
petitioner/State that learned trial Court has not properly
appreciated the evidence on record. The contention is that
learned trial Court on the basis of trifling contradictions
and anomalies available in the statement of prosecution
witnesses has recorded the acquittal against respondents.

On due consideration of the submission made by
the learned counsel for the petitioner so also of the
perusal of record, it is found to be a fit case for grant of
leave to appeal.

Accordingly this petition is allowed.
Office to register the matter as a criminal appeal
and list in due course.

Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4886/2016xx
Shri Manish Awasthi, learned Govt. Advocate for
the petitioner/State.

This is a petition under Section 378(3) Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for short ‘The Code’) seeking
leave to appeal against judgment and order dated
07/12/2015 rendered by Judicial Magistrate, First Class,
Seonimalwa, District-Hoshangabad in Criminal Case No.
452/2012 whereby respondents have been acquitted with
regard to offences under Section 294 and 325/34 of the

It is submitted by the learned counsel for the
petitioner/State that learned trial Court has not properly
appreciated the evidence on record. The contention is that
testimony of complainant/inured-Sanjay Pardeshi (P.W.2)
was duly corroborated by Rakesh (P.W.4) so also by
medical evidence of Dr. G.R. Karade (P.W.1), however,
the learned trial Court on the basis of trifling
contradictions and anomalies present in the statements of
prosecution witnesses has recorded the acquittal against

On due consideration of the submission made by
the learned counsel for the petitioner so also on perusal of
the record, it is found to be a fit case for grant of leave
to appeal.

Accordingly this petition is allowed.
Office to register the matter as a criminal appeal
and list in due course.

Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.15378/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to file the documents in support of the

Be listed on 28/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.17654/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.18862/2015xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.19235/2015xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.19656/2015xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.19901/2015xx
Shri Ashish Tiwari, learned counsel for the petitioner.
After arguing at length on the merits of the case,
learned counsel for the petitioner seeks leave of this Court
to withdraw this petition .

Prayer is granted.

Accordingly, the petition is dismissed as withdrawn.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

M.Cr.C. No.20263/2015xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.20338/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 21032/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 21204/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.21297/2015xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.22327/2015xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 6 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.22621/2015xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 6 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.1690/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after two weeks.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1696/2016xx
None for the appellant.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4120/2016xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3123/2016
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4833/2016xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.5197/2016xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.6592/2016xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.5335/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 7382/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith M.Cr.C. No. 6624/2016.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.6592/2016xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.6624/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.6788/2016xx
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.1453/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith M.Cr.C. No. 7305-2016.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.7305/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after three weeks.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 8849/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith M.Cr.C. No. 8545/2016.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 8491/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith M.Cr.C. No. 8545/2016.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 8545/2016xx
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondents prays for and is
granted to produce respondent No.3-Purshottam before this

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.8614/2016xx
Shri S.K. Mishra, learned counsel for the petitioner.
Notice issued against respondent has been return

On payment of fresh process-fee with correct
particulars, let notice be issued to respondent. Notice be
made returnable within four weeks.

Be listed thereafter.

IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.5499/2012xx
None for the parties.

PUD dated 12/06/2017 is a communication received
from Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Hoshangabad
requesting for re-transmission/return of record pertaining to
Criminal Case No. 1503/2010, which was requisitioned by
this Court in connection with M.Cr.C. No. 5499/2012.

On due consideration it is directed that original record
of Criminal Case No. 1503/2010 be forthwith sent to the
Court of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate,

With the aforesaid PUD stands disposed of.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2730/2012
Shri Manish Soni, learned counsel for the appellant.
Shri Sourabh Shrivastava, learned Govt. Advocate for
the respondent/State.

Heard learned counsel for the parties on IA No.
4975/2017, an application for permanent exemption of
appellant-Ajmer Singh to mark his attendance before this

On due consideration IA No. 4975/2017 is allowed
and appellant is exempted from marking his presence
before this Court with a direction that till further orders he
shall continue mark his presence before the Chief Judicial
Magistrate, District-Chhindwara on 27/11/2017 and on all
subsequent dates as may be fixed by the Chief Judicial
Magistrate, Chhindwara in this behalf.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.918/2013
Shri B.K. Upadhyay, learned counsel for the

Shri Siddharth Singh, learned Panel Lawyer for the

Heard learned counsel for the parties on IA No.
15371/2017, an application for change of counsel on behalf
of appellant No.1- Bheem.

On due consideration IA No. 15371/2017 is hereby
allowed and appellant No.1-Bheem is permitted to engage
new counsel of his choice.

Be listed for final hearing in due course.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1005/2013
None for the appellants.
Let non-bailable warrant of arrest be issued against
appellant No.3 -Moreshwar to secure his presence before
this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1956/2013
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Golu @ Lalit before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 09/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2550/2013
None for the appellants.
Let non-bailable warrant of arrest be issued against
appellant No.8 -Mardan Singh to secure his presence before
this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2783/2013
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant – Krishna Kumar Shukla before
this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 14/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.16847/2013
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after four weeks.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.219/2014
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 8 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.38/2014
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 8 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 461/2014
Parties through their counsel.
Let fresh bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/-
be issued against respondent No.1 – Mukesh Piparsaniya to
secure his presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 833/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant – Suresh @ Bhura before this

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 13/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2877/2015
None for the appellants.
Let non-bailable warrant of arrest be issued against
appellant -Ghanendra to secure his presence before this

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 3028/2015
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.A. No. 2900/2015.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2900/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellants – Abdul Gaffur @ Imran
Baba and Amol before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 16/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 3065/2015
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.A. No. 3065/2015.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 3064/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Learned Govt. Advocate for the respondent/State
prays for and is granted time to verify the factum of death
of appellant No.3-Ramesh Tomar.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.12877/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 8 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.13063/2015
Shri K.P. Gupta, learned counsel for the petitioner.
Heard learned counsel for the petitioner on IA No.
15032/2015, an application under Section 5 of the
Limitation Act for condonation of delay of 57 days in
preferring this petition.

For the reasons assigned in the application which is
supported with the affidavit, sufficient ground is made out
to condone the delay.

Accordingly, IA No.15032/2015 is allowed and the
delay of 57 days in preferring this petition is hereby

Be listed after four weeks on the question of

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 144/2016
None for the appellants.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant No.4 – Vimal to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.690/2016
None for the appellant.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 8 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 830/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against respondent No.4 – Manoj Bamne @ Mannu
@ Manu to secure his presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.11039/2014
Shri Pawan Gurjar, learned counsel for the petitioner.
On payment of fresh process-fee within a week , let
notice be issued to the respondent Nos. 2 3 by ordinary
as well as by registered AD mode. Notice be made
returnable within six weeks.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 16854/2014
None for the petitioner. Even on 08/09/2017-
previous date of hearings none appeared on behalf of the
petitioner, which indicates that the petitioner has lost
interest in prosecuting the petition.

Accordingly, the petition is hereby dismissed for
want of prosecution.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.A. No. 697/2014
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellant No.1- Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari
@ Chhote before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 08/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2790/2014
Parties through their counsel.
Be listed alongwith Cr.A. No. 2809/2014.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2809/2014
None for the appellants.
Let non-bailable warrant of arrest be issued against
appellant No.1-Lalit Pandey to secure his presence before
this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2720/2014
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellant No.3- Imran Khan before this

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 10/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2720/2014
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.A. No. 29/2010.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 3233/2014
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants informs that
appellant No.2- Komal Sahu has expired.

Learned Govt. Advocate for the respondent/State
prays for and is granted time to verify the factum of death
of appellant No.2-Komal Sahu.

Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 125/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellants-Mukesh Sharma and
Sandeep @ Sonu Kahar before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 13/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2153/2009
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.A. No. 29/2010.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 29/2010
None for the appellants.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellants – Bachcha Singh @ Amol Singh
and Padam Singh to secure their presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 101/2010
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Mukesh Singh before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 02/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 101/2010
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Mukesh Singh before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 02/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1020/2011
None for the appellants.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant No.4- Motilal to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1529/2010
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants informs that
appellant No.2- Gudda Choudhary has expired.

Learned Govt. Advocate for the respondent/State
prays for and is granted time to verify the factum of death
of appellant No.2-Guddha Choudhary.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1522/2011
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Chandrakesh before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 03/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 386/2013
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.A. No. 2702/2011.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2702/2011
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellant No.1-Dilip before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 07/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 849/2012
None for the appellant.
Let non-bailable warrant of arrest be issued against
appellant- Fokkelal @ Fokke to secure his presence before
this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1642/2012
None for the appellant.
Let bailable non-bailable warrant of arrest be issued
against appellant- Suraj Singh to secure his presence before
this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 958/2016
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant No.2- Prashant Sharma to secure
his presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.9829/2014
Parties through their counsel.
Case-diary is not available even today.
Station House Officer, P.S. Kotar is directed to remain
present before this Court on 30/10/2017 alongwith case-

Be listed on 30/10/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Later on:

It is brought to the notice of this Court by learned
Public Prosecutor that the case diary was available in the
office, which could not be traced out in the morning
session, therefore, inability was expressed to produce the
same before the Court.

Considering the aforesaid, the direction to keep
present the Station House Officer, P.S. Kotar before the
Court is hereby recalled.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
M.Cr.C. No. 18345/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.9082/2015x
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10231/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner/State prays for and
is granted a weeks time to argue the matter.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.13370/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 4 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.13916/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after 6 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.14001/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 6 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.15261/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted two weeks time to argue the matter.

Be listed thereafter.

IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.15510/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 8 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.15683/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 8 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.16021/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 8 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2315/2010
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Ganesh Jatav to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2336/2010
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Manoj @ Baddu to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 12726/2010
Parties through their counsel.
Heard learned counsel for the parties on IA No.
1021/2017, an application for taking additional documents
on record.

After due consideration IA No. 1021/2017 is allowed.
Be listed in due course.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1588/2011
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the appellants,
list after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2256/2011
None for the appellant.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2495/2011
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant -Dhananjay Singraul before this

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 16/11/2017
(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2130/2012
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Khemraj to secure his presence
before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2571/2012
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 279/2013
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Shyamlal to secure his presence
before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 550/2013
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellant No. 2-Idrish Khan and
appellant No.5- Mohd. Asfaque Khan before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 21/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 755/2013
None for the appellants.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.30,000/- be
issued against appellant Nos.2 3-Mukund and Kailash to
secure his presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 971/2013
Parties through their counsel.
Be listed alongwith Cr.A. No. 1148/2013.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1148/2013
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Rajendra to secure his presence
before this Court.

Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1799/2013
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Ashutosh Bajpai @ Ashutosh to
secure his presence before this Court.

Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2498/2013
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondent/State prays for
and is granted six weeks time to verify the factum of death
of appellant No.2-Shabir @ Monu.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.5583/2013
Parties through their counsel.
The petition is already admitted for final hearing.
Be listed for final hearing in due course.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 5694/2013
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner list
after two weeks.

IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 8232/2013
None for the petitioners, even in the second round.
Even on 17/08/2017, 02/08/2017 and 18/07/2017- previous
date of hearings none appeared on behalf of the petitioners,
which indicates that the petitioners have lost interest in
prosecuting the petition.

Accordingly, the petition is hereby dismissed for
want of prosecution.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.A. No. 377/2014
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Sunil to secure his presence before
this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 670/2014
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Munna Dheemar to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1878/2015
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.A. No. 3040/2014.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 3040/2014
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant-Mohammad Ayaz to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 16642/2014
None for the petitioner, even in the second round.
Even on 01/08/2017 and 11/05/2016- previous date of
hearings none appeared on behalf of the petitioner, which
indicates that the petitioner has lost interest in prosecuting
the petition.

Accordingly, the petition is hereby dismissed for
want of prosecution.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
M.Cr.C. No.16742/2014
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.17639/2014
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.500/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.500/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1049/2015
None for the parties, however, it is reflected from the
record that sole respondent-Dashrath Yadav has expired
and his lr’s have been brought on record pursuant to order
dated 31/07/2017 passed by this Court.

By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1050/2015
None for the parties, however, it is reflected from the
record that sole respondent-Dashrath Yadav has expired
and his lr’s have been brought on record pursuant to order
dated 31/07/2017 passed by this Court.

By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4763/2015
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondent/State prays for
and is granted time to produce case-diary.

Be listed on 25/10/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.8308/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after ten weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10284/2015
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after ten weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 147/2016
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.25,000/- be
issued against appellant No.4-Ravindra to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 673/2016
None for the appellant.
Let bailable warrant in the sum of Rs.30,000/- be
issued against appellant-Ishwar Thakur to secure his
presence before this Court.

Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 2464/2012
Shri U.S. Jaiswal, learned counsel for the appellant.
Shri Manish Awasthi, learned Govt. Advocate for the re-

Arrest warrant issued against appellant-Kamlesh Patel
has been return unserved with a report that appellant is not re-
siding at his usual place of residence, which shows that he is

From the perusal of record it is found that custodial sen-
tence imposed against appellant was suspended by this Court
vide order dated 22/04/2013 subject to condition that he will
regularly appear before this Court till the appeal is disposed off.
As the appellant has failed to comply with the terms of the or-
der of suspension, therefore, the suspension order deserves to
be and is accordingly, hereby recalled.

Learned trial Court is directed to secure the presence of
appellant by coercive means and send him back to jail for serv-
ing out the remaining part of jail sentence. The learned trial
Court is further directed to initiate proceedings under Section
446 of the Criminal Procedure Code against the surety of ap-
pellant/Kamlesh Patel for recovery of the surety amount. Rel-
evant papers be sent to the concerned Court after retaining pho-
tocopies of the same.

Be listed in due course for final hearing.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 45/1997
Shri R.K. Jain, learned counsel for the appellant.
Shri Manish Awasthi, learned Govt. Advocate for the re-

Learned counsel for the appellant submits that appellant
is absconding since long and could not be apprehended since

From the perusal of record it is found that custodial sen-
tence imposed against appellant was suspended by this Court
vide order dated 09/04/1997 subject to condition that he will
regularly appear before this Court till the appeal is disposed off.
As the appellant has failed to comply with the terms of the or-
der of suspension, therefore, the suspension order deserves to
be and is accordingly, hereby recalled.

Learned trial Court is directed to secure the presence of
appellant by coercive means and send him back to jail for serv-
ing out the remaining part of jail sentence. The learned trial
Court is further directed to initiate proceedings under Section
446 of the Criminal Procedure Code against the surety of ap-
pellant/Ajju/Bajju @ Abdul for recovery of the surety
amount. Relevant papers be sent to the concerned Court after
retaining photocopies of the same.

Be listed in due course for final hearing.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 8534/2017
None for the petitioner.
Shri Manish Awasthi, learned Govt. Advocate for the
respondent No.1/State.

Shri N.P. Choudhary, learned counsel for the
respondent No.2.

Learned counsel for the petitioner is directed to file
detailed affidavit as to in which Court he was busy at the
time when the Cr.A. No. 817/2017 was taken up for hearing
and dismissed for want of prosecution on 12/05/2017.

Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 9265/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner list
after four weeks.

IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.10154/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner list
after two weeks.

Learned counsel for the petitioner undertakes to
supply the copy of petition alongwith all relevant
documents to the learned counsel for the respondent No.2
within 3 days.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.353/2014
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner list
in the week commencing from 23/10/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3437/2014
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.823/2003
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2376/2011
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for and is
granted time to file an appropriate application with regard
to condonation of absence of appellant No.7-Komal.

Be listed on 13/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.452/2011
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.A. No. 1628/2010.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1628/2010
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the parties prays for fixed date to
keep present parties before this Court for verification of
compromise petition.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 07/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.7957/2016
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner list
after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1493/2006
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellant No.2-Ranchhor before this

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 15/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.602/2010
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the appellant list
after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1042/2013
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant-Virendra Patel before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 15/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1949/2013
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants prays for fixed
date to keep present appellant No.2-Amitabh Singh Parihar
before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 16/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.16237/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.16258/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1297/1998
Parties through their counsel.
List alongwith Cr.A. No. 1294/1998.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1294/1998
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays for fixed date
to keep present appellant-Umesh Kumar before this Court.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 17/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2638/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondent prays for fixed
date to keep present respondent-Jai Nagda before this

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 13/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.190/1999
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the appellant list
after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.190/1999
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the appellant list
after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.2092/2003
Shri Pawan Gurjar, learned counsel for the appellants.
Shri Ramesh Tamrakar, learned counsel for the
appellant No.2.

Shri Manish Awasthi, learned Govt. Advocate for the

Heard learned counsel for the parties on IA No.
16969/2017, an application for change of counsel on behalf
of appellant No.2- Arvind through his wife-Neeraj Devi.

On due consideration IA No. 16969/2017 is hereby
allowed and appellant No.2 is permitted to engage new
counsel of his choice.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1622/2004
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellant prays and is granted
time to file the reply of IA No. 13842/2017.

Be listed after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1113/2006
Parties through their counsel.
Be listed alongwith Cr.A. No. 1095/2006.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1103/2006
Parties through their counsel.
Be listed alongwith Cr.A. No. 1095/2006.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1095/2006
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the appellant list
after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.5961/2016
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.6595/2016
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.9280/2016
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.11943/2016
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.84/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.428/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the respondent,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.728/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.1011/2017
Parties through their counsel.
This revision is already admitted for final hearing.
Be listed for final hearing in due course.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.1111/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.1579/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the respondent,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2164/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3682/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4810/2017
Shri Ramesh Verma, learned counsel for the

On payment of fresh process-fee within a week with
correct particulars, let notice be issued to the respondent.
Notice be made returnable within six weeks.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.6843/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed on 25/10/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.7592/2017
None for the petitioners.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.331/2001
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the appellants informs that
appellant No.1- Gangaram has expired.

Learned Govt. Advocate for the respondent/State
prays for and is granted time to verify the factum of death
of appellant No.1-Gangaram.

Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.1287/2016
Shri S.K. Meena, learned counsel for the petitioner.
Service report on respondent is still awaited.
Office is directed to list the matter after three weeks
alongwith the service report.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.7043/2016
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after 3 weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.03/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.75/2017
Ms. Sangeeta Bourasi, learned counsel for the

Learned counsel for the petitioners seeks leave of this
Court to withdraw this petition with a liberty to pursue
appropriate remedy under the law.

Prayer is granted.

Accordingly, the petition is dismissed as withdrawn
with the aforesaid liberty.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Cr.R. No.253/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.375/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner undertakes to
supply the copy of the petition alongwith all relevant
documents to the learned counsel for the respondent No.2
within 3 working days.

Be listed on 06/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.394/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.426/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As payed by the learned counsel for the petitioner, list
after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.654/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondent/State prays for
and is granted time to ascertain whether the suicide note
left by the deceased has been re-constructed from its torn
down pieces or not ?

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.755/2017
Parties through their counsel.

Learned counsel for the appellant undertakes to
supply the copy of appeal memo alongwith all relevant
documents to the learned counsel for the
complainant/objector during the course of the day.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.770/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondent/State prays for
and is granted time to produce case-diary.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.813/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.896/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.913/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.932/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Record of the Courts below be called for .
Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.970/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.977/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.983/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.1008/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter on the ground that file of
the case has been misplaced.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.1054/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to file entire copy of the charge-sheet.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Shri P.K. Shukla, learned counsel for the appellants.
Shri P.M. Bhargava, learned Deputy A.G. for the

Arguments heard.

Reserved for judgment.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)


Judgment delivered, signed and dated.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
M.Cr.C. No.2614/2017
Shri P.M. Bhargava, learned Deputy A.G. for the

Shri Sourabh Sharma, learned counsel for the

This is a petition under Section 378(3) Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for short ‘The Code’) seeking
leave to appeal against judgment and order dated
8/08/2016 rendered by Additional Sessions Judge,
Khachrod, District-Ujjain in S.T. No. 176/2014 whereby
respondent has been acquitted with regard to offences
under Section 509 of the IPC read with Section 11(1)/12
of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act,
2012 (for short ‘the Act’).

It is submitted by the learned counsel for the
petitioner/State that learned trial Court has committed
gross error in applying the provisions of Section 11(1)/12
of ‘the Act’ and appreciating the evidence in that regard. It
is further submitted that the impugned order is based on
surmises and conjectures.

On due consideration of the submission made by
the learned counsel for the parties as well as from the
perusal of record, it is found to be a fit case for grant of
leave to appeal.

Accordingly this petition is allowed.
Office to register the matter as a criminal appeal
and list in due course.

Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No.1253/2017
Shri Swapnil Sharma, learned counsel for the

Shri Vishal Sanothiya, learned Govt. Advocate for the

After arguing at length on the merits of the case,
learned counsel for the appellant seeks leave of this Court
to withdraw this appeal with a liberty to raise all objections
raised herein before the learned trial Court.

Prayer is granted.

Accordingly, the appeal is dismissed as withdrawn
with the aforesaid liberty.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Cr.R. No.1248/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.1443/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.A. No. 1750/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Record of the court below be requisitioned.
Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

M.Cr.C. No.1832/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.1884/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.1895/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2134/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2265/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2287/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner undertakes to
supply the copy of petition alongwith all annexures to the
learned counsel for the respondent within three working

Be listed after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2532/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2542/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2781/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2886/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.2903/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3041/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3160/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3273/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3301/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner seeks time to
ascertain whether the petitioner has made himself available
to the police for interogation or whether he is still
absconding from Police.

Be listed in the next week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3366/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3560/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3572/2017x
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3588/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.3762/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4109/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4118/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4202/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.5141/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.5537/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondent prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter on the ground that
yesterday he has filed Vakalatnama on behalf of the

Be listed after three weeks.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.6661/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.7249/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Shri S.K. Golwalkar, learned counsel for the objector
prays for and is granted time to file objection and
appropriate application seeking leave of this Court to assist
Govt. Advocate in the matter.

Be listed after three weeks alongwith Cr.R. No.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.7453/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
MCRC No.10138/2017
Shri M.A. Mansoori, learned counsel for the

Shri Aditya Garg, learned Panel Lawyer for the

This is repeat (second) application under Section 439,
Cr.P.C on behalf of petitioner-Kuldeep, who has been
arrested by Police on 15/02/2016 in Crime No. 59/2016,
Police Station-Birlagram, Nagda, District-Ujjain,
concerning offence under Section 436 of the IPC .

Heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused
the case-diary.

First application of the petitioner came to be
dismissed as withdrawn, vide order dated 18/07/2016
passed in M.Cr.C. No. 5346/2016.

Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that trial
against the petitioner commenced on 20/08/2016 and that
in a period of more than one year not a single prosecution
witness has been examined in the matter. It is further
submitted Police has not been able to execute the arrest
warrant on prosecution witnesses Arjun and Gautam
despite multiple opportunities granted in this regard by the
Court. The submission is that considering the custodial
period of the petitioner, he deserves to be released on bail.

Though prayer for bail is opposed by the learned
Govt. Advocate, however, considering the custodial period
of the petitioner so also the fact that prosecution has failed
to produce its witnesses before the Court, it would be
appropriate to enlarge the petitioners on bail.

Accordingly, the petition is hereby allowed and it is
directed that on furnishing personal bond by the petitioner
in the sum of Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand
Only), with one solvent surety in the like amount to the
satisfaction of the concerned Chief Judicial
Magistrate/Judicial Magistrate First Class, he shall be
released on bail, subject to the condition that he shall make
himself available to the Police, as and when required
during the investigation and will also remain present before
the trial Court as and when directed in that behalf.

CC as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
MCRC No.10025/2017
Shri Anil Ojha, learned counsel for the petitioners.
Shri Aditya Garg, learned Panel Lawyer for the

This is first application under Section 439, Cr.P.C on
behalf of petitioners-Rajesh and Govind, who have been
arrested by Police on 22/04/2017 in Crime No. 177/2017,
Police Station-Khategaon, District-Dewas, concerning
offence under Section 379 of the IPC .

Heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused
the case-diary.

The allegations against the petitioners are that they
were involved in theft of motorcycle.

It is submitted by the learned counsel for the
petitioners that no motorcycle has been recovered from the
possession of the petitioners. It is also submitted that the
petitioners have been implicated in this case only on the
basis of recovery of small cash amount from their
possession, however, that cannot be said to be an
incriminating piece of material to connect the petitioners
with the alleged crime. Lastly, it is submitted that there is
no apprehension of the petitioners running away from the
course of justice, if released on bail.

Though prayer for bail is opposed by the learned
Govt. Advocate on the ground that petitioners are having
criminal antecedents, however, considering the nature of
allegations made against the petitioners so also the quality
of material to support the same, it would be appropriate to
enlarge the petitioners on bail.

Accordingly, the petition is hereby allowed and it is
directed that on furnishing personal bond by each of the
petitioners in the sum of Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty
Thousand Only), with one solvent surety in the like
amount to the satisfaction of the concerned Chief Judicial
Magistrate/Judicial Magistrate First Class, they shall be
released on bail, subject to the condition that they shall
make themselves available to the Police, as and when
required during the investigation and will also remain
present before the trial Court as and when directed in that

CC as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 9894/2017
Shri Dharmendra Gurjar, learned counsel for the

Shri Aditya Garg, learned Govt. Advocate for the

This is first application under Section 439, Cr.P.C by
petitioner-Shriram, who has been arrested by Police on
27/03/2017 in Crime No. 184/2017, Police Station
Chandan Nagar, District-Indore, concerning offences
under Sections 399 and 402 of the IPC .

Allegedly, on the basis of secret information police
laid a trap on 29/03/2017 and apprehended 4 persons
including petitioner-Shriram, while they were making
preparation to commit dacoity. As per prosecution at the
relevant time the petitioner was armed with sword.

It is submitted by the learned counsel for the
petitioner that he has falsely been implicated in this case
and no criminal antecedents are attributable to him. It is
further submitted by the learned counsel for the petitioner
that after completion of investigation charge-sheet has
been filed. Lastly, it is submitted that co-accused Bhoora
@ Piyush and Sanju @ Sanjay have already been granted
bail by this Court, vide order dated 26/07/2017 and
08/09/2017 respectively passed in M.Cr.C. Nos. 6177/2017
and 9158/2017.

Though, the prayer for bail is opposed by learned
Public Prosecutor, however, considering the nature of
allegations made against the petitioner so also the quality
of material to support the same, it would be appropriate to
release the petitioner on bail.

Accordingly, the petition is hereby allowed and it is
directed that on furnishing personal bond by the petitioner
in the sum of Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand
Only), with one solvent surety in the like amount to the
satisfaction of the concerned Chief Judicial
Magistrate/Judicial Magistrate First Class, he shall be
released on bail, subject to the condition that he shall make
himself available to the Police, as and when required
during the investigation and will also remain present
before the trial Court as and when directed in that behalf.

Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
MCRC No.9714/2017
Shri Sanjay Sharma, learned counsel for the

Shri Aditya Garg, learned Govt. Advocate for the

This is first application under Section 439, Cr.P.C by
petitioner-Salim, who has been arrested by Police on
27/07/2016 in Crime No. 282/2016, Police Station Namli
District-Ratlam, concerning offences under Sections 365,
395, 397, 411 and 412/120-B of the IPC.

Heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused the

Allegedly, 29 ton 916 kgs. copper wire, which was being
transported from Pithampur (Dhar) to Bhilwada (Rajasthan)
was stolen/misappropriated by driver-Ramesh and clearner-
Bhanwar. During investigation it was revealed that present
petitioner with co-accused Irfan, Irshad,Islamuddin, Salim,
Surendra Singh and six other persons hatched the conspiracy to
loot the property.

As per prosecution during investigation 26 tons copper
wire cut into small pieces and kept in 550 gunny bags was
recovered pursuant to disclosure said to have been made by co-
accused Irfan. The allegation against the petitioner is that he
was a member of the gang who committed robbery of the
copper wire, however, the only material to connect him with
the alleged crime is the disclosure statements said to have been
made by co-accused Irfan, Irshad and Sabir and recovery of a
truck bearing registration No. RJ-05-GA-4867, in which
alleged stolen copper wire was transferred and transported to

It is submitted by the learned counsel for the petitioner
that there is no material on record to indicate that truck bearing
registration No. RJ-05-GA-4867 was used for transporation of
stolen copper wire. It is further submitted that no fact as such
has been discovered on the basis of the disclosure statements
said to have been made by co-accused Irfan, Irshad and Sabir.
Lastly, it is submitted that co-accused Islamuddin and Sabir
have already been granted bail by this Court, vide order dated
28/02/2017 and 31/07/2017 respectively passed in M.Cr.C.
Nos. 2108/2017 and 8029/2017.

Though, prayer for grant of bail is strongly opposed by
the learned Deputy Govt. Advocate, however, considering the
nature of allegations made against the petitioner so also the
quality of material to support the same, it would be appropriate
to admit the petitioner to bail.

Accordingly, the petition is hereby allowed and it is
directed that on furnishing personal bond by petitioner in the
sum of Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only), with one
solvent surety in the like amount to the satisfaction of the
concerned Chief Judicial Magistrate/Judicial Magistrate First
Class, he shall be released on bail, subject to the condition that
he shall make himself available to the Police, as and when
required during the investigation and will also remain present
before the trial Court as and when directed in that behalf.

CC as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 9385/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 9696/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.9991/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned Public Prosecutor prays for and is granted
a weeks time to produce case-diary so also to call criminal
antecedents of the petitioner if any.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
M.Cr.C. No. 10086/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 5383/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to file the documents in support of the

Be listed after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to file the documents in support of the

Be listed after a week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner/State prays for and
is granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for
adjournment on the ground that arguing counsel is out
station counsel.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed on 15/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for
adjournment on the ground that arguing counsel is not
available today to argue the matter.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

M.Cr.C. No.9812/2016
Shri Amit S. Agrawal, learned Senior counsel with
Shri Arjun Agrawal, learned counsel for the petitioners.

Shri V.K. Jain, learned counsel for the respondent.
Heard on the question of admission.
Petition is admitted for final hearing.
Be listed for final hearing in due course.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.78/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Heard learned counsel for the petitioner on IA No.
3129/2017, an application for bringing the lr’s of petitioner
on record.

On due consideration IA No. 3129/2017 is allowed.
Let necessary amendments in the cause-title of the
petition be carried out within two weeks from today.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.R. No.319/2017
Shri Sunil Gupta, learned counsel for petitioners.
On payment of fresh process-fee within a week, let
notice be issued to the respondents. Notice be made
returnable within six weeks.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.362/2017
Shri P.K. Vishwakarma, learned counsel for the

Respondent No.1-Poonam is present in person and
she prays for and is granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed on 14/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.652/2017
None for the petitioner.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for
adjournment on the ground that arguing counsel is not
available today to argue the matter.

Prayer is granted.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Cr.R. No. 888/2017
Petitioner-Suresh Melwani is present in person.
Record of the courts below be requisitioned.
Be listed on 22/11/2017.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Cr.R. No.1074/2017
Shri Himanshu Joshi, learned counsel for the

Service report on respondents is still awaited.
Office is directed to list the matter after two weeks
alongwith service report.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

M.Cr.C. No. 1605/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 3980/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to file the entire copy of the charge-sheet.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 4137/2017
Parties through their counsel.
There is a dispute between the parties with regard to
admission of documents.

Learned counsel for the petitioner is directed to file
all the documents which is sought to be admitted in
evidence alongwith an appropriate application.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 5132/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list in the next week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 5926/2017
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after a week.

IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.847/2017
Shri Vismit Panot, learned counsel for the petitioner.
Shri Prateek Maheshwari, learned counsel for the

This revision petition by the petitioner-husband calls
in question the legality, propriety and correctness of order
dated 28/03/2017 rendered by 15th Additional Sessional
Judge, Indore in Criminal Appeal 727/2016, whereby the
learned Judge partly allowed the petitioner’s appeal under
Section 29 of the Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act, 2005 (for short ‘the Act’) by reducing
interim maintenance to be paid to respondent-wife under
Section 23 of ‘the Act’ from Rs. 3,000/- per month to
Rs.2,000/- per month.

Learned counsel for the petitioner has invited the
attention of this Court to Annexure A/6, which is said to be
certificate of petitioner’s income. It is submitted that the
petitioner’s monthly income is Rs.6,000/- and he is already
paying maintenance to the respondent under Section 125 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure @ Rs.2,500/- per month,
therefore, quantam of interim maintenance of Rs.2,000/-
per month is excessive and requires to be reduced

Per contra learned counsel for the respondent-wife
has invited the attention of this Court to para 19 of the of
the impugned order, wherein learned appellate Court has
found that the income of the petitioner cannot be taken to
be less than Rs.10,000/- per month, therefore, he can very
well pay Rs. 2,000/- under Section 23 of ‘the Act’ and
Rs.2,500/-under Section 125 of the Cr.P.C. It is also
submitted that annexure A/6 on its very face appears to
have been prepared by the petitioner and has thus no
evedential value.

Heard learned counsel for the parties and perused the

The appellant is a young able bodied person,
therefore, the view taken by the learned appellate Court
that he can earn Rs.10,000/- per month cannot be said to be
unreasonable or against the record. An amount of
Rs.4,500/- for maintenance cannot be said to be excessive
or unreasonable particularly looking to the prevailing trend
of inflation and price-rise so also the standard of living of
the parties to the lis.

Keeping in view of the aforesaid, in the considered
opinion of this Court, impugned judgment does not suffer
from any illegality or perversity, therefore, this petition is
hereby dismissed in limine.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.R. No. 1382/2016
Parties through their counsel.
Record of the Courts below be called for.
Be listed after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.4278/2016
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondent/State prays for
and is granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted a weeks time to argue the matter.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
M.Cr.C. No.9615/2016
None for the petitioners.
By way of indulgence the case is adjourned.
Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No.11413/2016
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after six weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
M.Cr.C. No. 11599/2016
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed on 25/10/2017.
IR to continue till next date of hearing.
Certified copy as per rules.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
M.Cr.C. No. 12844/2016
Parties through their counsel.
As prayed by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
list after two weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.520/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after four weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.R. No.527/2017
Shri Shyamlal Patidar, learned counsel for the

Shri Vishal Sanothiya, learned Govt. Advocate for the

After arguing at length on the merits of the case,
learned counsel for the petitioner seeks leave of this Court
to withdraw this petition .

Prayer is granted.

Accordingly, the petition is dismissed as withdrawn.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

Cr.R. No.614/2017
Parties through their counsel.
The custodial sentence of the petitioner has already
been suspended by this Court vide order dated 29/05/2017.

Heard on the question of admission.
Revision is admitted for final hearing.
Record of the Courts below be called for.
Be listed for final hearing on due course.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.619/2017
None for the petitioner.
Be listed after eight weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
skt Judge
Cr.R. No.632/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the respondent prays for and is
granted a weeks time to argue the matter.

Be listed thereafter.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.R. No.709/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed in the next week.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)
Cr.R. No.760/2017
Parties through their counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner prays for and is
granted time to argue the matter.

Be listed after three weeks.

(Ved Prakash Sharma)

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