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Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Sri Sunil Barman vs Unknown on 30 August, 2017



C.R.M. 7262 of 2017
In Re:- An application for anticipatory bail under Section 438 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.

In the matter of : Sri Sunil Barman
… petitioner
Mr. Arnab Saha
…..For the petitioner

Mr. Swapan Banerjee
Ms. Purnima Ghosh
……For the State

Apprehending arrest in course of investigation of

Falakata Police Station F.I.R. No. 84 of 2017 dated 4th April,

2017 under Sections 498A/493 of the Indian Penal Code

(hereafter the ‘I.P.C.’), the petitioner has applied for

anticipatory bail.

We have heard learned advocates for the parties and

perused the materials in the case diary.

The allegations levelled in the F.I.R. do not attract

Section 493 I.P.C.; if at all, Section 494 I.P.C. is attracted,

which is bailable.

Insofar as the allegation of commission of offence under

Section 498A, I.P.C. is concerned, we are of the considered

view having regard to the unreported decision dated 27th July,

2017 of the Supreme Court in Criminal Appeal No. 1265 of

2017 : ‘Rajesh Sharma Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh’ that

custodial interrogation of the petitioner is not necessary for

taking the investigation to its logical conclusion; hence, he is

entitled to direction, as prayed for.

The application, thus, stands allowed with the direction

that in the event of arrest, the petitioner shall be released on

bail upon furnishing bond of Rs.5,000/-, with two sureties of

like amount each, one of whom must be local, to the

satisfaction of the arresting officer and also subject to the

conditions as laid down in sub-section (2) of Section 438 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure.

(Dipankar Datta, J.)

(Debi Prosad Dey, J.)

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