SC and HC Judgments Online at MyNation

Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Ajay Bhaisare vs M/O Railways on 1 April, 2024

— Central Administrative Tribunal – Jabalpur Ajay Bhaisare vs M/O Railways on 1 April, 2024 1 O.A.No. 200/00071/2020 Reserved CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL, JABALPUR BENCH JABALPUR Original Application No.200/00071/2020 Jabalpur, this Tuesday, the 02nd day of April, 2024 HON’BLE SHRI JUSTICE AKHIL KUMAR SRIVASTAVA, JUDICIAL MEMBER…

Barsa Nayak vs Ramesh Nayak …. Opp. Party on 2 April, 2024

— Orissa High Court Barsa Nayak vs Ramesh Nayak …. Opp. Party on 2 April, 2024 Author: K.R. Mohapatra Bench: K.R. Mohapatra Signature Not Verified Digitally Signed Signed by: ROJALIN NAYAK Designation: Junior Stenographer Reason: Authentication Location: HIGH COURT OF ORISSA, CUTTACK Date: 03-Apr-2024 14:16:45…

Ravi Shriwas vs M/O Railways on 2 April, 2024

— Central Administrative Tribunal – Jabalpur Ravi Shriwas vs M/O Railways on 2 April, 2024 1 O.A. No. 200/00152/2020 Reserved CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL, JABALPUR BENCH JABALPUR Original Application No.200/00152/2020 Jabalpur, this Tuesday, the 02nd day of April, 2024 HON’BLE SHRI JUSTICE AKHIL KUMAR SRIVASTAVA, JUDICIAL…

Manisha Kedia vs Manoj Kumar Kedia on 4 April, 2024

— Calcutta High Court (Appellete Side) Manisha Kedia vs Manoj Kumar Kedia on 4 April, 2024 Author: Hiranmay Bhattacharyya Bench: Hiranmay Bhattacharyya IN THE HIGH COURT AT CALCUTTA CIVIL REVISIONAL JURISDICTION APPELLATE SIDE Before: The Hon’ble Justice Hiranmay Bhattacharyya CO 3446 OF 2023 MANISHA KEDIA…

Ratnadipa Jethy @ Parida vs Prabir Parida …. Opp. Party on 2 April, 2024

— Orissa High Court Ratnadipa Jethy @ Parida vs Prabir Parida …. Opp. Party on 2 April, 2024 Author: K.R. Mohapatra Bench: K.R. Mohapatra Signature Not Verified Digitally Signed Signed by: SASANKA SEKHAR SATAPATHY Designation: A.R.-CUM-SR. SECRETARY Reason: Authentication Location: HIGH COURT OF ORISSA CUTTACK…

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